Finally a great day!

Yep that is what I said.  I know it is hard to believe, but I started my day by attending the first session of a conceal carry class.  It will allow me to carry a gun when I am out and about.  I am not bragging, so please don'[t tell me that I shouldn’t.  Its just that I am out and about all hours of the day and night coming to and from work and I will feel safer if I can protect myself.  I have no desire to be Annie Oakley or anyone else, but I want to feel safer.  I work with some unappreciative people who don’t respect the fact that it is just a job.  And I have always liked guns, but I want the proper training to handle them also.  So I have six more hours of class tomorrow.  Two of it will be at the shooting range.

After that I have spent the evening with my friends Pam and Terry.  They went to the packing house today to pick up our half of beef and they took mine to their house.  After class I went to get it and Pam had fixed dinner and invited me to stay.  They have been friends for a long time and they are also the ones who purchased the wooded area of the farm to eventually build a house.  It was a great evening as Pam and I spent most of the evening reliving our much younger days.  Oh how we ever lived thru them.  God sure was watching over us back then and still is today.  It’s a blessing to have great friends.

As for me, I am happy today and getting ready to call it a night.  TOmorrow after class I have to go to work.  THat means the end of my weeks vacation.  This week will be busy as I have four doctors appointments and some overtime to work.  I also need to get packed and finish up the few gifts that must be purchased.  Oh well, that all folks.  Good night and God bless.

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Glad you had such a great day. Remind me to never give you any lip!!

December 15, 2008


December 15, 2008

Glad life is good for you, Soph! RYN: LOL! They’re about all gone now. 🙂

December 18, 2008

Aloha… Ryn: Thank you for your wise… kind… and compassionate words to me… Aloha oe…

Merry Christmas!!!