Last day of class; Mary’s exams~

That night when Mary went home after conversing with Jesus for two hours bout her exams: after dinner, he graciously visited her.  He spent another three hours on her exam. How could she ever adequately express her undying appreciation for her beloved Jesus!
She danced to the door, as she had caught a glimpse of him in the shimmering sunlight.  ‘Ah, was the sun brighter because he lived among us,’ she mused?
"Jesus!  I missed you. Hurry, come in."
"Hi Mary. I thought that I would lend some more expertise for your studies.  And  Mary: I missed you, too: and couldn’t wait ’till morning to see ya," his sparkling eyes danced.
"I know: I’m irrestible, huh?"
"Indeed you are, Mary. So, want me to asked you some more questions…….."
As Mary sat daydreaming in class, thinking of last night, the rabbi was repeatedly calling her name.  "Ah, welcome back, Mary.  What was I interrupting you from?"
"Well, Rabbi, if you must know…"
By the look in Mary’s eyes, he could see that she would give one of her long harangues. So, he said, "Ah, Mary, that’s all-right. We don’t have to know."
"Oh, ok. But would you like to know that Jesus was tutoring me last night?"
"Is that right , Mary?  Did Jesus feel that you needed tutoring?"
"Actually, no.  He just wanted to be with me.  Still," she sighed dreamily, "He’s is one great tutorer."
Jesus tried not to get embarass, anymore, when Mary opened her mouth. He simply expected anything to come forth from her.  So, he just wore that smile that said, "Ah, Mary, don’t cha love her?"
The rabbi looked at Jesus, saying, "So, Jesus, is she fully prepared for everything that I will throw at her?"
Jesus confidently said, "Yes, sir. She knows her scrolls about as well as anyone that I have yet encountered in my journey on earth."
The rabbi scratched his head, like he usually does whenever Jesus becomes philosophical.
"Ok.  Well, let’s finish our last day of class.  Then we’ll see just how proud Mary will make this yeshiva. I have a ticklish feeling that our yeshiva will be in all the news, tomorrow, because of Mary."
Jesus smiled, knowing that his dad had been talking to the rabbi.
Mary was quiet for the rest of the class, as she meditated on her favorite subject: Jesus.
"Well, Jesus, this semester has been the greatest adventure of my life. I can’t wait to see you again in the fall."
"Thank you very much, rabbi.  You certainly have lived up to my father’s expectations."
As Jesus left, the rabbi was scratching his head, again.
The rabbi turned to Mary, saying, "Ok. Here’s your exam.  Take as much time as you like to complete it. I can’t wait to see all of your answers, though.  But don’t rush anything."  With that the rabbi pulled out some scrolls to study.
Mary spent the next six hours sharing the wisdom that had been imparted to her.  As she glanced at the exam, she recognized that Jesus had been preparing her for this exam: practically upon meeting him, some six years ago.  She recalled not only the special touches that only he knew: such as what happened in the Garden of Eden, and subsequently covering thousands of years of history, culimating in stories of all the prophets.  For her, it was a labor of love for six hours!  As she had finished answering the last essay question, she looked up to behold the rabbi staring at her with reverential eyes, like she  was some kind of angel.  She smiled remembering how once the father said to others: that she was Jesus’ angel.
"Well, Mary, I’m find myself being deprived of a most excellent scholar. How can I ever thank you for being my student?"
Mary was deeply honored.  She said, "Ah, rabbi, you are indeed one of the most blessed rabbis here.  Your wisdom far surpasses most of them: that’s what Jesus says.  I can never be thankful enough to have you as my teacher, supporter and friend."
"Ah, Mary, Give me a farewell hug!"
As Mary left, he couldn’t wait to pounce upon Mary’s answers.  He knew that there would be much of the divinity contained within. As he read, as his eyes watered over with joy: he surely wasn’t diasppointed….

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August 12, 2009

Martha and Mary Luke 10:38-42 ‘Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the LordÂ’s feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone?

August 12, 2009

Then tell her to help me.” But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” *That is really nice.*

August 13, 2009

I am sure as the Rabbi went over Marys test he found answers that he probably didn’t even know about. As we know Jesus ranks the highest with whatever he does. Mary had the best teacher anyone could have.. Praise the Lord.

August 13, 2009

The holiness of Jesus must have rubbed on Mary, esp with the occasional agape hugs, that made her looked like an angel as seen by the Rabbi. In those days (during Jesus’ ministry) even at the touch of his cloak someone was healed! Reflecting on your Jesus story is not only good for my soul & spirit but also for the exercise of my brain which is much needed esp at this age. Thanks again. 🙂

August 16, 2009

Thank you for the hug, my dear Bri. Thank you also for the prayers and this is all I need at this time. Hope to see more of your Mary & Jesus story – it gives me really comfort to be near to the Lord.

August 17, 2009

Life is kinda slow and hard for me at this moment, but this moment inspires me to write more for the Lord. Especially that I am trying to reach out for the lost lambs out there. Let them come to Jesus, be love and be healed …

August 19, 2009

Thank you for your notes at my second diary. 🙂 Good that some enjoy that journal. 🙂 I wish you all love, joy & happiness!*

August 19, 2009

Bri, we need to get some music into your post to enhance this perception of Mary and Jesus because personally I’m having trouble grasping them as lovers. ~lol~ Now, granted that could just be me but music has the power to bring out written words to a whole new level. But I warn you, there is a highly technical code to do this and I rarely to never share but if you want I’ll consider it. *smiles*

August 20, 2009

I am still trying my best to teach and reach out for those who needs the Lord. Not an easy thing. So, messages are the only way to tell everyone that the Lord is there for them. 🙂 *Thank you for your notes.*