I’ve met a lot of friends when the sun goes down

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So, the moon and I had a toast and a conversation tonight. We talked about all kinds of things. Namely, the wonkiness in my head these days. And the fact that the universe seems to be screwing with everyone in my life, even if it’s just a little bit. The moon agreed and we came to the conclusion that we all just have to tough it out because that’s life.

But when we really got into it, he brought up the existential paradox of human existence. I was out there for quite a while. Once or twice he disapproved of my opinion and disappeared behind some clouds to sulk, but he always came around. The moon thinks that humans exist to serve the earth and everything in the celestial orbit. I told him that I thought it was a nice idea, but that I felt differently. Humans exist to help each other WHILE helping the galaxy. The moon has a bit of a high opinion of himself which is why we had our first fight. But we made up and he’s happily shining through the window now and all I have to do is look back to know he’s still there watching me.

We came up with some life rules while we were deep in conversation, and as it turns out, they’re all rules we can agree on.

1. Go out of your way to help someone, even just a little. Even if it means you won’t get recognition.
2. Along the same lines, do something totally unexpected and amazing for a stranger at least once a year.
3. Be yourself. Exactly who you are. Every minute of every day. And don’t let anyone try to cheat you out of it. Especially not yourself.
4. Remember that who you are is who you’re meant to be and you’re always on someone’s mind, whether they let you know or not.
5. Do good. Be good. Put all that stuff out into the universe and it WILL come back to you. The moon swears it’s so.
6. Let people love you, flaws and all. Don’t be afraid to show others that you’re human, too.
7. Do everything with the best of intentions, even if it backfires, and it will someday.
8. Know that it’s ok if things don’t always go your way. It’s not always you. Sometimes it’s someone else screwing things up along the way because the universe is teaching them a lesson, and you just have to be patient while they learn it.
9. Always know that it’s ok to not be perfect. We all have setbacks and screw-ups and relapses, and sometimes we’ll be sliding backwards more than we’re walking forwards. But it’s ok. We’ll get where we’re headed in time.
10. One from the moon. “I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” ~Galileo Don’t be afraid of what you can’t see. Have faith that even in the dark, you’ll be stepping on solid ground.

<3 The moon and I should have more discussions. I quite enjoy it. Have a lovely evening, everyone.


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September 22, 2013

I like number 6 x

September 22, 2013

thanks for the pic. I am sure you have given me that one before. I wish it was just about getting me right. chuckles. sadly it is not.

September 23, 2013

That sounds like a conversation I could enjoy, you tell the moon to shine in my window one night and we can talk, fight and make up. I believe in all those rules xx


A friend of mine has a theory about this that she calls El Septembre. Basically, it boils down to September is the month of Horrible Decisions and Bad Tidings. And for her life….it’s been pretty right on. Scarily so.

September 28, 2013

The Moon is a He? Why not a She?