Watch me save the world

So…I stole this. I’m not even going to do it according to days. I’m just going to do it all right now.

Day 1 – One hobby.

Day 2 – Two loves.

Day 3 – Three wishes.

Day 4 – Four songs.

Day 5 – Five foods.

Day 6 – Six places you want to go.

Day 7 – Seven wants.

Day 8 – Eight fears.

Day 9 – Nine movies.

Day 10 – Ten secrets

1. One hobby: Photography is probably my one and only real hobby, although I haven’t even been doing much of that lately because I’m so…apathetic and bored of the world around me. It’s hard to see any of this stuff in a new way lately.

2. Two loves: My friends (including pets!) and my ability to enjoy a good book, movie, song, photograph, piece of art, etc… Usually the two go hand-in-hand, as I share those things with the people I love.

3. Three wishes: Usual stuff, I think. I would love to be well settled into life with a good job and money in the bank. I wish for everyone I love to be safe, happy and healthy and to know just how much I care about them. And tolerance/acceptance of everything and anything.

4. Four songs: This is going to be HARD. The songs I love don’t always reflect a mood or anything, but they’re just what I happen to be listening to at the moment. Here you go anyway:

Backseat Goodbye- “1996”

“…I just need something new
A big lie that I can hold onto
A little something to get me through
‘Cause the same old ways just don’t make sense to me…”

Chad Sugg- “25”

“…What’s it gonna take to be something better than this
Can’t be as good as it gets
I’m young and lonely in a city full of someones
Everybody I know has somewhere better to be
Than me, than me, than me…”

Gaelic Storm- “Me and the Moon”

“…A quarter to three and we’re feeling fine
When the sun comes up, I’m gonna miss my friend moon shine…”

The Morning Of- “The New is In”

“…So, come next year I won’t be reachable for days
Because I’m taking time to let this story write it’s page
I’m now convinced that there will be no other way
The new is in, the new is in
I’m feeling better all ready
I shed my skin, I shed my skin
My head is starting to steady…”

5. Five foods: Seafood, Chinese food, comfort food (ie: mac and cheese, stew…), anything spicy and….lasagna!

6. Six places you want to go: Vermont, Alaska, Canada, anywhere with awesome photography opportunities, Ireland and maybe on a trip across the US.

7. Seven wants: I want happiness and health for all the people I care about, I want money, I want to not be worried about certain things/people for a change, I want the weird back pain I’m currently experiencing to go away, I think I want to go back to Vermont this summer, I want new music, and I want to watch a series of really great movies.

8. Eight fears: I really don’t get scared of things often. I’m not afraid of life.

Heights freak me out in a major phobic/vertigo kind of way but that’s IT. There’s nothing else in my life that makes me so afraid that I won’t do it. Everything else can be accomplished.

9. Nine Movies:
The Birds
All ‘Harry Potter’ movies
Rocky Mountain Christmas
The Paperboy
Singin’ in the Rain
Pillow Talk
Send Me No Flowers
Move Over, Darling
Ok, that’s more than 9. I have lots of favourites.

10. Ten secrets: This is tough just because I don’t keep secrets. I’m trying to think of something I haven’t ever divulged to any of you before, but most of you have known me for so long that you know me really well by now.

I..dislike cats because I don’t trust them, even though I’ve fostered 40+ in the past.

I miss my old job at the vet clinic because I was good at it, but I really don’t miss it enough to get back into that line of work again. The aggravation wasn’t worth it.

People have told me that I’m much more relaxed, ‘zen-like’, confident, etc… and I love that. It makes me feel good about myself to come across as the person I’ve been trying to find for so long. Being unemployed has, as cliche as it sounds, helped me find myself and my center.

And now we’re back into things you guys already know. Ok, I’ll come back to this later if I think of anything new and exciting.


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April 17, 2013

gotta steal, too. hope you don’t mind.

April 20, 2013

you don’t trust cats- chuckles- how could you say that. Cats have servants. I put your pic up- thank you for the gift.