It’s for the best we get our distance

In years past, in months past, in weeks past and in days past, I’ve spoken about how big honesty is to me. I’ve spoken about how I’m an observer rather than a do-er. I’ve spoken about how I treat people the way I want to be treated. I’ve spoken about how much my friends mean to me, and I’ve spoken about how badly I was treated by my father growing up. Because of all of this, one of my most treasured mottos is:


Therefore, if I’m doing you a favour and you treat me like shit, do NOT be so naive as to think I’m going to put up with that. I WILL lay down my tools and walk away. I’ve proven that time and time again. Why people continue to think that they can get away with that behaviour simply because I’m generally a kind-hearted person, I’ll never know. Yes, I’m kind, but no, I will not agree to be your verbal punching bag. I don’t care if you’re in a bad mood, I don’t care if you’re frustrated. I’m standing up for ME. If that makes me a ‘tough chick’, if that makes me a ‘bitch’, if that makes me a ‘spoiled brat’, then so be it. I’m the only one who can look out for ME. And I’m not going to take the crap from anyone. I’m too old and too cynical to bite my tongue and be pushed around by some bully that’s supposed to be family.

Sorry, pops, you lose. You’re on your own. The only thing I should have done is turned to my mother and told her that if SHE and she alone needed my help again, SHE could come find me and I’d be more than willing to help HER. But by then I was finished and wasn’t thinking straight. Don’t push me and this will never be an issue.


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-offers hugs- Good for you for standing up for yourself.

March 22, 2013

Parents… :/ Somehow they can spend 30 years figuring out which buttons to push, but still have no clue how to get along with their kids. I’m on Facebook if you need to vent!

March 22, 2013

RYn very possible, but seeing my insurance dosent cover chrio care, and it costs alot to go up here. and insurance wont cover the xrays they want seeing i dont have a NEED for them. Its all out of pocket expenses and i just dont have the money. The tension headaches could probably be helped by a chiro, but not migraines.

March 22, 2013

i love the motto…mind if i steal the pic?

RYN as soon as im able i will try it. My migraines are triggered by hormonal changes ( period) enviormental ( weather, mold ect) stress, sleeplessness. I think some foods i eat make them worse but not sure if they are a trigger. Some things i can avoid. Others i cant.

It’s hard to be kind sometimes. Too many people take it as weakness/softness.

March 23, 2013

yes, you are no longer a child. You have a voice and it is your right to use it. xx

March 25, 2013

:big hugs: You should move up here with your sister đŸ™‚