Truth or dare, yes I double dare you

I’m sick with an awful cold as of three days ago and I’m pretty zombie-fied and can’t focus, but feel like writing. So you all get a survey…actually…two, which I’ve stolen from the lovely and talented [Spooky].

[What’s one thing you have worked very hard to overcome?]: Hands down, my father. I’ve worked extremely hard to get over the negative things he put me through for 18 very long years.

[Name at least one in each category: A book, a movie and a musical group/musician you secretly, negatively judge others for not liking and/or not knowing about.]: I…can’t! In all honestly, I don’t really care if people like things I don’t like! I’m not the one that’s got to listen to/watch/read them.

[What made you believe or not believe in God?]: I was forced to go to Sunday School for 16 years so it’s kind of ingrained, but even throughout all of my soul searching and discovering new religions, I’ve never really doubted, so I do believe.

[Describe the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen.]: I’m a photographer. I can’t! I’ve also worked with kids and animals, and there have been so many amazing moments that I can’t choose just one.

[Besides yourself, who do you love the most, and why do you love them?]: I love all of you!

[Who are your pets? Include pictures, if applicable. If you don’t have pets, what pets would you have if you had to have them?]: At the moment, I have a shetland sheepdog named Shelby: some_text

I have an enclosed ecosystem with four brine shrimp named after the Golden Girls (Dorothy, Blanche, Rose and Sophia):

I have sea monkeys, which are insanely hard to photogaph: some_text

I have a hamster named Draco: some_text

And I have three mice all named after “Harry Potter” characters as well. This is Severus-mouse: some_text

And these two are Albus-mouse and Harry-mouse (left to right): some_text

[What separates you from people who have shittier lives than yours?]: Circumstance? Pure luck?

[What are the ingredients in your perfect salad?]: Lettuce, cucumbers, chick peas, shredded cheese and French dressing.

[Now share an upbeat song. Any song you like. Either a link or a video. It must be peppy.]

01. Last Cigarette: Never.
02. Last Kiss: Waaaay too long unless you count the little 1 year old whose mom forced me to kiss her on the cheek a few weeks ago.
03. Last Cry: Oh, it’s been a VERY long time for that one. Months.
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: A Christopher Moore book, if I remember right. But that was about six years ago.
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: I can’t remember! I haven’t been to a movie in a couple years either.
06. Last Book Read: I just finished the auto-bio “Unsweetined”- Jodi Sweetin (“Stephanie Tanner” from “Full House”) and I’m currently reading “The Grizzly Maze”- Nick Jans and “Growing Up Psychic”- Chip Coffey.
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: “Damn”. My nose won’t stop running and it’s driving me crazy.
08. Last Beverage Drank: Water.
09. Last Food Consumed: Left over Chinese food of some sort.
11. Last TV Show Watched: Ha.. “Boy Meets World”
13. Last Shoes Worn: Doc Marten boots.
14. Last CD Played: Something mixed.
15. Last Soda Drank: Coke.
16. Last Thing Written: The answer to the question before this one. (Swiped the answer.)
17. Last Words Spoken: “I will if I remember.”
18. Last Sleep: I tried to sleep last night but I couldn’t.
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: Vanilla.
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: A very long time ago.
24. Last Time Dancing: I…don’t dance.
26. Last Big Car Ride: Back in July, the drive home from Vermont.
27. Last Crush: I’m kind of crushing on a YouTube cover artist.
28. Last Annoyance: People.
39. Last Disappointment: People.
30. Last Time Scolded: I have no idea.
32. Last Web Site Visited: YouTube.

01. piercings = 15- seven in my left ear and 8 in my right.
02. tattoos = None as of yet.
03. height = 5’5″
04. shoe size = 9.5-10
05. hair color = Umm…42?
06. siblings = 1


01. movie you rented = I don’t rent movies.
02. movie you bought = “An American in Paris”
03. song you listened to = “Truth or Dare”- Marianas Trench.
04. song that was stuck in your head = The cover of Maroon 5’s “One More Night”
05. cd you bought= I haven’t bought a cd in about ten years.
06. cd you listened to= Something mixed.
07. person you’ve called= I have no idea. I rarely call people or use the phone.
08. person that’s called you= Randy, I think.
09. tv show you’ve watched = “Boy Meets World”.
10. person you were thinking of = Ninja Writer.
11. friend you made = Valtinen.


01. you have a crush on someone= Just a YouTube cover artist.
02. you wish you could live somewhere else= ALWAYS. I hate New Jersey.
03. you think about suicide = No, not anymore.
04. others find you attractive = I have no idea.
05. you want more piercings = I’ve been thinking about it, but I don’t know.
06. you drink = No, I was never a big drinker.
07. you do drugs = Never.
08. you like cleaning = I don’t hate it, although dusting kicks up my allergies something awful.
09. you like roller coasters = No! Heights scare me to death.
10. you write in cursive or print= Pretty much always print.

+ long distance relationships = For. I’m in one.
+ suicide = Against.
+ killing people = Not if I can avoid it.
+ teenage smoking = No.
+ doing drugs = Against.
+ driving drunk = VERY against.
+ soap operas = Neutral. I don’t care one way or the other.

+ thing to do = I love having my personal space, wherever that might be.
+ thing to talk about = Lately I’ve been loving talking about supernatural things and alternative ideas.
+ sports = I used to like baseball.
+ drinks = Pepsi.
+ clothes = Jeans and tshirts. I have no fashion sense.
+ movies = The Birds, Misery, anything with Johnny Depp, musicals, classics, Disney, etc.
+ singer = Alex Goot lately.
+ holiday = Christmas and Halloween.

+ ever cried over a girl = No.
+ ever cried over a boy = Yes, very much so.
+ ever lied to some = I try very hard not to!
+ ever been in a fist fight = No.
+ ever been arrested = Nope!

+ shampoo do you use = Olive Oil Aloe organic shampoo and conditioners.
+ shoes do you wear= Either boots or Converse sneakers.
+ are you scared of = Heights!!

.. of times you have been in love? = Twice.
.. of times you have had your heart broken? = Several for several different reasons.
.. of hearts you have broken? = I don’t know! Hopefully none.
.. of girls you have kissed? = None, unless you count children I’ve babysat.
.. of boys you have kissed? = Just the ones I’ve been in love with and then a couple more.
.. of people you would classify as true, could trust with your life type friends?: A handful.
.. of people you consider your enemies?: I really don’t know, but I’m sure there’s at least two out there.
.. of times your name has appeared in the newspaper?= I have no idea.
… of scars on your body? = Lots and lots. (I worked for a veterinary office and I’ve spent tons of time outside. It’s inevitable.)
.. of things in your past that you regret? = I don’t regret.


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March 14, 2013

I’m working on the first half of this right now 🙂

Yay ^_^ <3