Watch the rain play on the ocean top

Project 365×12 OD.
Original Project365.

Go to Monkeyville and buy! Created and owned by Phoenix poet,who will also make custom monkeys for you to love.

Go to saturdayatmidnight and buy! Created and owned by hi,phantom,who is an amazing jewelry artist!

Go to Oh,Rats and buy! Created and owned by Thylacine,who has a store with lovely hand-drawn cartoon versions of her pet rats on fun products!

01. Is there anything specifically that you’ve been worrying about a lot recently?: Money is always a worry. And I think the brakes on my truck are a little wonky. They were supposed to have been fixed (for $1,000 last year at this time!!!) but I don’t think they ever were completely fixed.

02. When you receive a text message from somebody do you usually show an emotional reaction in any way?: I think it depends on who it’s from. I enjoy hearing from everyone that texts me, but I’m not really an emotional kind of person, so it also depends on the news in the text.

03. the last time you went out somewhere what did your outfit look like?: I wore a long sleeved black and grey “baseball style” shirt (you know…how the body is a different colour from the sleeves), blue jeans, black and white converse sneakers, yellow, green and white froggies-wearing-crown socks, my regular jewelry, my hair was straightened and I had a headband on.

04. Does it scare you that even after getting a college education that not even that can guarantee you a career?: Well…I only have a slight college education and no career. Moving on.

05. Are there any songs that you could listen to over and over and really not get sick of?: Lately I’ve been downright obsessed with certain songs. I’ve been super loving Marianas Trench music (pretty much anything), “Lonesome Dreams”- Lord Huron, lots of songs by Voltaire and “Life of the Party”- Boys Like Girls.

06. What is something that you want to learn how to do before you die?: Good question! I’m not really sure. I’ve been slightly intrigued with the idea of learning to become a farrier lately. But I wouldn’t even know how to get into that one.

07. Do you own a lot of graphic tees, solid colored ones, or more so just tops?: I really ONLY own solid coloured tshirts. I have a couple that have stripes, but that’s about it.

08. Do you get along well with females?: Gender really doesn’t have anything to do with it. In a work situation, I’d rather work with guys because there’s less cattiness, but in a one-on-one situation, most guys are just as dramatic as chicks are. 🙂 So it doesn’t matter either way. You’re nice to me, I’m nice to you.

09. When was the last time you embarrassed yourself, and how did the person/people react?: I don’t tend to embarrass myself! I can’t think of anything I’ve done recently.

10. Have you recently just been in one of those antisocial moods where you just wanted to be a hermit staying in the house alone when you could have had plans?: I tend to live my life that way! I’m very much a homebody and I enjoy just hanging around the house. Being around people drains me. I’m a major introvert and I revel in my time alone. I actually haven’t just “hung out” with anyone in over a year, and I’m ok with that!

11. Is there any desire for you to change your current relationship status right now?: Not at all. I’m happy with it. 🙂

12. Any specific movie that you wish you could have a love like?: Um.. ok, this is kind of a ‘chick flick’ movie question and I don’t watch those! I prefer horror movies, but I certainly don’t want a love life like that. Usually one of those people get killed right off.

13. Has anyone ever suggested you being good with someone who you haven’t ever been like that with? If so who?: What? What in the world is this question asking? I wanted to reword it so it made sense, but…I’m at a loss.

14. Where do you spend a majority of your time when you’re at home?: Either in my bedroom or at the computer, I’d say.

15. Do you feel like there is a difference in you from when you sleep in and are waking up last minute to if you’re waking up earlier, what is it?: I’m just going to refuse to answer this because the wording is ridiculous.

16. Whenever you do plan on moving out from your parents house do you think you’ll move out on your own first or move in with other people?: I would LOVE to move out on my own, but I feel like I’d have to live with someone because it’s too stupidly expensive to live on your own in this area.

17. Do your parents ever set double standards between you and your other siblings?: It used to happen all the time, and I hated it, especially considering my only sibling is a younger brother. He never got into trouble for doing the same things I did.

18. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery, if so for what exactly?: Never say never, but I can’t see myself doing anything like that ever.

19. Do you usually put captions to your photos on facebook?: Pretty much always unless the photo is self-explanatory.

20. How good are you with people and meeting new people?: I fake it VERY well. Again, people drain me, but I can pretend with the best of ’em.

21. Have you done a lot of things with different people of your preferred sex? [kissing, dating, sex]: I’ve kissed as many people as I’ve dated and I’ve had sex with less than that. I guess I’m below the ‘average number’, but in the same breath, I’ve always been in long term relationships. I’ve never dated around just to date.

22. What do you look forward too most about the idea of planning your wedding?: Good question! However, I’m not the kind of girl who feels the need to spend $50,000 on a wedding. I would rather save the money and get married at the local courthouse. The only thing I’d look forward to was being officially tied to my husband at that point.

23. Does it bother you when people are sexist?: Sometimes.

24. What is something that you feel is important to have as a person?: I think there’s a lot people need to have to be a functional adult. Morals, ethics, understanding, tolerance, the ability to pick your battles, the ability to change your mind, the ability to learn from mistakes, a sense of peace and balance, etc.

Will you sooner try and put off dealing with your emotions untilyou really have to face them?: I’m not terribly emotional as it is. I was pretty much broken of that as a teenager (thanks dad..*eye roll*), so I don’t generally have highs or lows. I don’t have the capacity for that anymore.

When was the last time you caught yourself overanalyzing?: That’s not really something I do often either, unless I’m in an important situation.

Do you ever do research and look into something, just so you know about it or know what you’re talking about?: I do, but not very often. Usually I only research a subject if it’s something I’m interested in. Otherwise I just learn from the person speaking about it.

Do you use MySpace, Facebook or both?: I use Facebook constantly.

Do you have or want any tattoos? Of what?: I do want tattoos, but I can’t decide what I want.

Have you ever been engaged?: Yes.

Do you enjoy spicy chips?: Yes.

Do you have any “different” keychains on your keys?: I have a Harry Potter one, an Alaska one and a Vermont one. I think there are others, but they aren’t in front of me so I can’t remember.

Have you ever been out of the state you were born in?: Yes, but I haven’t been to very many states: Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire, Alaska, Washington state and as a bonus, Vancouver, BC- Canada.

What was the last thing you bought besides food/drinks?: I didn’t really buy this so much as I paid for it, but I mailed a package.

Do you own a teapot?: No, but I’d like one! I don’t drink hot tea at all, but I love teapots and a tea set would make a cute centerpiece for a table.

Do you have anything on your wrists right now?: A bunch of friendship bracelets that I just learned to make.

What was the last funny movie you watched?: Hm! The last movie I watched was “Swing Kids”, but that’s most definitely not a funny movie. I’m not much into movies these days, so I can’t remember what I watched.

How old is the oldest person you’ve had sexual relations with?: The three people I’ve had sexual relationships with in any way were two years older, two years older and 2 months younger.

Do you even have a home phone anymore?: Yep!

Do you take photos when you’re bored?: I take photos ALL the time.

Is your cell phone usually on vibrate or is the ringtone usually on?: Both.

Have you ever heard someone talking shit about one of your best friends?: Back in high school, yes.

Do you like the feeling of being nervous? Does it give you an adrenaline rush or does it just make you feel really sick?: It really makes me feel fairly sick to my stomach.

What scent is your body wash?: Some kind of “ocean breeze” something, I think.

Do you sext?:
I guess I have…

Did you enjoy what you last ate?: Yes. I enjoy seafood.

Have you fixed things with anyone recently?: Fixed things? I don’t think anything was wrong.

Do you currently have feelings for anyone?: Absolutely! I love my guy.

Do you give out second chances too easily?: It’s sort of a “give a second chance, but be wary and don’t trust too easily” situation.

Are you happier now or four months ago?: Four months ago was…I guess I’m happier now.

What are you doing tomorrow?: I have no idea what’s going to happen tomorrow.

Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?: Alas, no.

When was the last time you were told you were pretty?: It’s…been a long time. heh

Are you currently wearing something that doesn’t belong to you?: Nope. Everything I’m wearing is mine.

What’s running through your mind right now?: “I have to pee”, “I’m thirsty”, “I’m cold”, “the ceiling is leaking” (it’s true, the shower is finally starting to leak, I just discovered tonight), “the stupid computer tower fan is SO loud”, “I feel like listening to music but I don’t know what,” “I think I’ll wrap my hair up after dousing it with a vegetable oil-honey-apple cider vinegar mask later”, “I can’t believe I’m sleepy so early in the night”, “I have to make something for someone”.

Did you enjoy this past Summer?: My summer was pretty busy. I was away for a month, which was nice. But then I came back to major heat and humidity which I hate.

Do you wake up cranky?: I’m not a morning person, no matter what time I wake up. I wouldn’t say I was cranky, though.

Did you stand on your tip toes for your last kiss?: No. 🙂

Do you hate your ex?: No, he’s still a very good friend.

Are you afraid to live on your own?: Yes and no. I’m afraid of not being able to afford it, but I would love to be on my own.

If you’re a girl, do you own any bras that are uncomfortable?: I do.

Do your parents use the same computer as you?: My mother does.

Do you like food with garlic in it?: I do!

1. Is there anything happening this month that you are particularly excited for?: I’m looking forward to Christmas. I made the presents this year and I’m excited to see people’s reactions.

2. How would you describe your fashion style? What inspires you to dress this way?: I have zero fashion style. I wear what’s comfortable and it’s always VERY simple. Jeans, plain tshirts, sneakers, my simple silver jewelry, simple silver earrings and whatever my hair decides to do for the day.

3. Where and when did you go on your last vacation? How was the vacation and would you go back to this place?: I went to Vermont with my father in June and July for the second year in a row. Prior to that, I hadn’t been there in ten years, even though it was always a week-long family vacation growing up. Our family has a cabin there. I do plan to go back sometime, but I’m not sure when.

4. Which city do you particularly enjoy visiting? For what reasons? When is the last time you went there?: I do NOT enjoy visiting cities at all. I would kind of like to see New York City all done up for Christmas, but that’s it. Once would be enough.

5. What is one of the most important lessons you’ve learned through working where you do? (If you don’t work, then through school or in general?): I’ve learned…so many things. Quite honestly, all the important life lessons I’ve learned have been through just living in the real world after graduating from high school. I’ve learned that people can be complete jerks when you don’t expect it. I’ve learned that the people you expect to be jerks can have a nicer side. I’ve learned that I have the ability to go above and beyond what’s expected of me and occasionally people WILL notice and appreciate it. I’ve learned compassion, patience, understanding, etc. I’ve learned the things that I have a knack for and that ‘hands-on’ is the best way for me to learn anything. I’ve learned how to pick my battles and when to let things go. I’ve learned to stand up for myself instead of just taking the negative things thrown at me because it’s easier than rocking the boat. I’ve learned that it’s ok to cut people from my life if they’re detrimental to my sanity, my physical health, my mental health or my emotional well-being, no matter who they are. I’ve learned not to feel guilty for having to say ‘no’ to people or for disagreeing with them. I’ve learned to speak my mind because I’ve learned that I’d rather tell people things than wonder later on if I should have ornot. I’ve learned to be honest with people despite the things I have to say rather than being nice for the sake of being nice. I’ve learned that it’s possible to walk that fine line between being bluntly honest and being tactful. I’ve learned that unconditional love does exist and that people noticed that in me before I noticed that in myself. I’ve learned to live my life in a zen sort of way, never panicking in stressful situations. I’ve learned to tell people to treat me like a human being instead of a punching bag because I deserve better. I’ve learned that I need lots of time alone to recharge my mental batteries after dealing with certain situations. I’ve learned that all of the things I’ve learned make me who I am, and that I’m forever learning new things and always becoming a better person for it. I’ve learned that all of these things are ok, and that if anyone feels differently, I don’t need them in my life.

6. What is the last sporting event you watched? Were you enthusiastically supporting either team or are you not even a sports fan?: I’m not a sports fan and I don’t care one iota about them.

7. What is the last organization/charity you donated to or volunteered for?: I volunteer my time to babysit in the church nursery every other Sunday.

8. Is there a special or uncommon spelling to your name? For example, Ashleigh instead of Ashley: My first name can be spelled in a myriad of ways: Melissa (my spelling), “Melisa”, “Mellisa”, “Mellissa”, “Melysa”, “Malissa”, “Malisa”, “Malysa”.. I think that’s all I can think of. But it wouldn’t surprise me if there were more. These are just the ones I’ve actually seen.

9. Have you ever experienced a particularly bad birthday? What made it so bad?: I tend to have very bad birthdays. I’ve come to expect it, it’s become such a ritual. I have three that tie for ‘worst ever’. The third worst ever was six years ago when I was fired three weeks before my birthday. I was unemployed and semi-depressed about that. The second worst birthday was four years ago when we had to put my dog to sleep the week before my birthday due to cancer. The very worst was two years ago when my boyfriend called me on my birthday at exactly 12am to wish me a happy birthday and to tell me that his father had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Then there’s the bonus birthday when my grandmother was moved from the hospital to my house on hospice care to live out her final days the day before my birthday. So, these aren’t minor “I’m having a bad day” birthdays.

10. Who is the last person you went out to eat with and where did you go?: The last person I went out to eat with was my family for my brother’s birthday back in August.

11. What is the most amount of money you’ve ever found on the ground?: A couple of dollars here and there, I guess.

12. What are your favorite things to drink and when are you most likely to drink these things?: I don’t drink alcohol, but I like Pepsi. 🙂

13. Where were you the last time you kissed someone?: One of the little girls I babysit in the church nursery wanted a kiss this past Sunday. Does that count? Normally I don’t kiss strange children (I’ve known her since she was first born and she’s a year and a half old now. Her mom insisted I kiss her!) but I love this little girl and would easily adopt her if I could!

14. Where do you usually do your homework or any type of work you have to do?: Anything I have to do, I tend to do at the computer desk.

15. What could you change about your life right now that would make things better for you?: My own home and a job with decent money.

16. How many times have you moved in your life? Did you move far?: I’ve never moved.

17. What type of shoes are you most likely to wear?: I live in sneakers of all kinds these days.

18. When is the last time you had your favorite flavor of ice cream?: It’s been a couple of weeks. I love butter pecan and I treated myself to it fairly recently.

19. Are you worried that you won’t be accepted into the college you want?: I was worried back when I was applying, and I was right.

20. What is your ideal weather?: I just adore rainy days with lots of thunder and lightning. The ‘worse’ the weather is, the happier I am! I also love snowy days too.

21. What is the last movie you saw at the theaters? What rating, out of 10, would you give it?: It’s been forever since I’ve seen a movie in the theater. I can’t even remember what it was.

22. When is the last time you went to a picnic?: I don’t do picnics. Bugs..sun…heat.. no thanks.

23. Do you often take pictures with the camera on your phone?: Every now and then I do, but I’m a photographer, so I always have a real camera with me.

24. Who in your extended family are you closest to?: I’m not close to any of them at all, on either side. The closest I get to anyone is just being friends with them on Facebook, but we never talk or comment to one another. They’re simply just…there.

25. How many and what kind of pets do you own?: At present, I only have one dog and one chinchilla, which is a HUGE downsize for me from previous years!


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You’re pretty 😀 And I just learned a lot about you.

December 20, 2012

What is a farrier? I feel very stupid right now as it seems like something I should know… – Noah

December 21, 2012

No, I haven’t rec’d anything from you.

I love you, and I was here 🙂

December 24, 2012

ryn: Oh no! I’m not making the pouch! I’m buying it like that. lol. The only thing I intend to make is the tunic and skirt. THe rest I hope to buy. Though I doubt I’ll be able to buy all of it…one can dream! 😉

December 25, 2012

merry xmas lovely one

December 27, 2012

I giggled at the horror movie statement xx

January 1, 2013

ryn: kinda yeah! I’m going to try to take it the same time every day in the same spot… the spot is easy, the time? lol I’m usually up and/or home from work at 7:30am every day so…. wish me luck 😉

January 8, 2013

Your packet of cards came today. Thanks so much. The pictures of New England; Vermont/NewHampshire, made me physically ache to be there in the Spring.

January 8, 2013

I think I told you, my mother & aunt & grandmother all went to MtHolyoke, & I took my mother back to her 50th anniversary at MtHolyoke. My uncles & nephew went to Dartmouth, & we went back to the latter’s graduation where Eisenhaur spoke.