And the thunder sounds like horses’ hooves

Project 365×12 OD.
Original Project365.

Go to Monkeyville and buy! Created and owned by Phoenix poet,who will also make custom monkeys for you to love.

Go to saturdayatmidnight and buy! Created and owned by hi,phantom,who is an amazing jewelry artist!

Go to Oh,Rats and buy! Created and owned by Thylacine,who has a store with lovely hand-drawn cartoon versions of her pet rats on fun products!

So, a good friend of mine co-wrote this survey with his girlfriend and I decided to do it. Ideally, it should be done within a month, but I’m a slacker and have very little ambition to write these days, even though I do read and check on you all daily (and/or multiple times a day). So we’ll see how it goes!

15 prompts
To be done within a month.

1. Tell us 5 quirky things about yourself, 5 things you’re afraid of, and 5 indulgences you partake in regularly.
2. Name the last movie, song, book, piece of artwork, or performance that moved you to tears or joy. Explain why.
3. And now for something completely different! Name the last movie, song… yada yada yada… that angered or disgusted you. Explain why in detail without insults or personal attacks.
4. Does sex play an important role in maintaining a healthy relationship for you? Explain why.
5. What one thing would you want to do most if you could be a member of the opposite sex for a day?
6. Name 6 unexpected turn-ons. Why do they turn you on?
7. Describe a bad habit from your childhood that you still have.
8. What are 8 questions you’ve always wanted to see on a survey?
9. Answer your questions from day 8.
10. Share a moment that stands out as one of the happiest in your life to date.
11. You can cure AIDS, or solve world hunger. Which do you choose? (If you feel like explaining why, go for it.)
12. Take a picture of something from your workplace that someone who doesn’t work there may never see. Explain why you chose this and what it means to you.
13. Name 13 things you hope your parents never find out about.
14. List 14 choices you’ve made in your life that have led to where you are and who you’ve become.
15. Name something unexpected that you learned about yourself as a result of completing the previous 14 prompts.
Written by silverstorm19 and Bellwether.

Day 1:

1. Tell us 5 quirky things about yourself, 5 things you’re afraid of, and 5 indulgences you partake in regularly.

5 Quirky Things About Myself:
A) I have weird food issues. Certain foods can’t touch or I won’t eat them. I won’t use the same plate for dinner and salad. I have to separate the two. I don’t like when something with dressing or gravy gets on something that’s not supposed to have it, etc. So if I could, I’d spend my life using divider plates. In fact, I still have one that I had from when I was a teeny tiny little tot that I do still use because of that little quirk.

B) I tend to buy everything in 2’s. If I need tissues, I’ll buy two boxes. If I decide I’m in the mood for crackers, I’ll buy two different boxes, etc. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember.

C) Ever since my grandmother read me the book “The Corduroy Bear”, I’ve had a real fondness/weakness for things that are different. Basically it was about a kid whose grandmother (mother?) takes him to a toy store to pick out a toy and he goes through all of the stuffed animals and they’re all perfect except one: The Corduroy Bear. He’s missing a button and his stitches are a little loose, etc. He’s not perfect. But he’s perfect for the kiddo,so the kid gets him and loves him. So after reading that to me when I was 2 or 3, that’s exactly what I did. If I was getting a present, I picked the one that was different. If my grandmother was buying me a stuffed animal and I saw 15 brown teddy bears and one black one, I wanted the black one. If I saw three dolls with blonde hair and blue dresses and one doll with brown hair and the same blue dress, I picked the brunette one. That’s most definitely carried over to my adult life, too. It pretty much explains every single person in my life. 🙂 And I’m really proud of that. So many people in the world are carbon copies of one another, and I like that my friends are incredibly unique and each one of them is my very own Corduroy Bear. I love each and every one of them because they’re such individuals!

D) I don’t tend to desire having the most up to date things. I’ve never really seen the point in updating something I own if it works just fine. For example, I have an iPod nano that someone gave me years ago, and it works just fine with no problems. I haven’t ever seen the point in upgrading it to something fancier. I received a Kindle Fire for Christmas that I never really wanted just because I already use the desk top computer and carry physical books with me wherever I go. I didn’t see the point of owning one. And I still don’t, although I’ll admit it’s a cool device. But I’d still be perfectly satisfied and happy without it. I had my last cell phone for 4 years or more and only finally got a new one because it was a flip phone and it got so bad that I had to hold the phone halfway closed for the phone to come on at all. So I tend to use things to death before I even think about upgrading.

E) This isn’t new news, but I’m nostalgic for simpler times. I know times were tougher 150 years ago, but I’ve always felt a strong pull towards that era and if I could go back in time and live, I would.

5 Things I’m Afraid Of:
A) Heights. That’s my biggest, most horrible fear. It’s a major phobia for sure. I shake, have panic attacks, my heart pounds, the whole 9 yards. I even get that way just seeing tv commercials with roller coasters or tv shows/movies with people standing on mountains. Bad news, dude.

B) Walking from the cabin in Vermont to the outhouse in the dark scares me. Mostly it’s just because there could be creatures out there and I really, REALLY don’t want to walk into them armed with only toilet paper.

C) I don’t think I have any other real fears. There are rational ones like having my truck break down and having to knock on peoples’ doors for a phone and being killed by some psycho. But that’s more cautionary than an actual fear. I’m not afraid of fire, I’m not afraid of water, I’m not afraid of dying. I tend to take everything in stride and tend to live by the motto, “it is what it is.” So whatever happens is what’s meant to be. So I’m not afraid of being alone or never having kids, etc. I’d LIKE to be married with kids and I hope it happens, but I’m not afraid of it not happening. If I think of anything else, I’ll come back and finish this bit.

5 Indulgences I Partake in Regularly.
A) I absolutely adore bubble baths. I can soak for hours as long as I have hot water and a good book. It’s probably my favourite way to relax.

B) Reading. I love to read and always have multiple books going at the same time. At the moment, I’m reading Christopher Moore, John Irving and I’m reading the “Little House on the Prairie” books that I never read as a kid in addition to a serial killer novel. So my tastes are all over the place!

C) Writing. I love to write letters and postcards. Most of you have gotten a letter or a card from me at some point in time. And if you haven’t and want one, or even if you have and would like another, just say the word! I always have a LARGE supply of postcards, blank greeting cards and stationery for writing.

D) Sleeping. I’ve always had horrible insomnia and sometimes it’s much worse than others. So when I’m able to sleep, I take full advantage, sometimes checking out for 16 hours at a time.

E) Old tv shows. There are very few tv shows produced after the year 2000 that I can stand to watch, so my taste lies between 1950 and 2000. It takes a lot to get me to watch something new, so if I watch anything, it’s usually repeats of old shows I remember watching when I was younger, even if they were repeats back then. Examples: “I Love Lucy”, “Denis the Menace”, “Lassie”, “All in the Family”, “Three’s Company”, “Murphy Brown”, “Night Court”, “Perfect Strangers”, “M*A*S*H”, etc. There are a handful of more recent shows that I’ve watched and loved as well, and I never would have watched them if it wasn’t for Jen’s (Thylacine) insistence! And I’m very grateful she shoved me kicking and screaming into watching those shows. 🙂

Stay turned for the next installment…someday.


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September 3, 2012

good to see you again and good survey… xx

September 3, 2012

Sooooo you have no need for this Kindle Fire? 😀 j/k, j/k lol I might steal this lol

September 3, 2012

RYN: LOL!! I was joking! I feel the same way too, I have this ugly as fuck pillow Julie’s mom gave me that she ‘made’ (which looks like she took a regular couch pillow and glued shit to it) and I still don’t want to throw it away. I’ve hated it since the moment it was handed to me, and I’m never gonna see her mom again but still I just feel guilty about it! LOL

September 5, 2012

At first, I thought you had OCD, but now I’m not so sure. I still have the 2 postcards you sent me up on my bulletin board above this computer. Thanks again.

I enjoyed part one 🙂

September 11, 2012

This is a great entry. Im going to yoink it when im live again with a laptop instead of a phone. Xx