Getting there

Well, the kids had 3 daysback to school this week. It was a very busy week on my end, getting to appointments that I put off all holidays.

Potty training for my Annabelle is actually coming along, with the help of some peanut butter m&m’s! Her teacher aide at school has been amazing with encouragement, and she actually went all of yesterday with no accidents!

Last night Maddie had another night terror. They are heart breaking, blood curdling screams for 10 minutes until she wakes enough to settle back to sleep. It’s a small comfort that she remembers nothing about it. Ali and I suffer through but it’s so hard to support her through it, helpless.

Ooh yes….I started packing my hospital bag today, and it’s really bringing home the fact that I only have a few weeks til this baby comes. I’m feeling impatient and so ready to have my body back, but I have so much going on and so much to get done before I will feel ready to cope with a newborn. It’s a totally different experience this time, I’m worried how this tiny baby will fit into our big and crazy family. I’m not even sure I really like the name we’ve chosen…..seriously hard to name a 4th girl! Lol

Anyway, I have a fairly free week next week and plans to organise my whole world before I get even more ungainly! A clean home and organised baby gear will go a long way to make me feel a bit more prepared.

I love my babies, I love my house, I love my husband. I’m grateful for my life. Just feeling overwhelmed with the coming months.

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February 27, 2018

Feeling overwhelmed with a new baby is inevitable. I think we really ought to worry about anyone who ISN’T overwhelmed as they’re probably one heck of a mess.

Oh, leaving you a note right here and now makes me smile. Love you.