Backup Moons Gravity and bounces
Moon’s gravity is 1/6th of Earth. One would think those astronauts would be really up and UP and UP on that gray moon, instead of those little bunny hops, that I could do easily on earth, perhaps with a higher frame rate and I am guessing that is why the astronauts did some good working out on their calfs, legs, thighs, so they can do good jumping.
Although it makes sense to me, given all of the tightness in the capsule and for maneouvering around in close quarters through unknown, where a bump or something could just totally devastate the mission, that NASA would have wanted smaller men, like horse jockeys to be in the capsules. That would make sense. The astronauts were not really huge men though, but still even smaller. I guess if the whole program is run by the cabal then they can chauvinistic fourteen year olds to do the job, pay them a healthy salary of candy bars and keep their mouths shut. The little hops on 1/6th gravity (you say) umm, does that look right on the video? My writer’s mind is thinking it doesn’t look like they are on that small gravity, that they should be really precarious in just walking because those would be some big Alice in Wonderland bounces.
Maybe the alien robots with lazers were on the moon and preventing the astronauts from taking full effect of the 1/6th weak gravity. And the moon rover/buggy, that was gliding along like a commercial for a sports SUV. No problems on that harsh moon environment, just driving breezing along no problems no technical difficulties just watch that. I seriously wish that I could have had back stage passes to that set, I probably would have been shot on the spot… The whole acting immature and prankish things that they were doing too (on the Moon) even in my worst behaviour mode I would have been like, OH CRAP, don’t hardly do anything bad, behave, you are on some other world, you don’t know this place! Stuck in that giant hardware suit shouldnt have had an effect on those bunny hops, but maybe I am wrong there too, need to look at the pendulum video.
The suit + life support pack weighs around 280-300 pounds on Earth, without occupant. Davo
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