It’s me again….

Just when I think I’m going to start keeping up on this, I get farther and farther behind.  I landed a full time job to help out with the bills around here so with that, the foster dogs, and everything in between I rarely have time to breathe, let alone update.  My house shows it too.  I had intended on using the long weekend last weekend to get caught up, but instead it included date night with the hubby, going to the fair, and just spending a lot of time as a family, which was great.  The job I have is only temporary until December, I thought that worked out nice because it will give us extra money for Christmas and to get caught up on things.  I had intended on only finding part time but this one came along and it’s from 6am until 2:30.  Hubby doesn’t go to work until 1:30pm so my sister comes over and watches the kids until I get home and it means not paying any daycare!  It definitely helps out.  
So my little man started Kindergarten a few weeks ago, and he absolutely LOVES it. It’s been so good for him.  He’s able to socialize, learn, and has already made a "best friend".  He talks about him a lot and it’s so good to hear because I worried about him going to school.  
On the foster dog and volunteering front things have been up and down.  Our crazy black lab Bones never got adopted.  I fell in love with this dog and maybe it was just because he was such a challenge, or because he was absolutely loyal and dedicated to me…my own dog isn’t even like that!  One night, after I had sprained my ankle(playing basketball in flip flops I was asking for it I know), Bones ran out of the house when my mom left, which normally he’d run out, run around, do his thing and come back, well this time he decided to follow my mom down to the main road.  He ended up getting hit and my mom thought for sure it killed him instantly, but he came running back home, but was hurt pretty bad, come to find out his hip was broken.  Totally something that could have been fixed, but it would have cost a lot more than we had to offer, and a lot more than the Humane Society could put into him, especially into a dog that may very well never get adopted, it would take away from many other dogs that need homes and it was one of the toughest decisions I’ve EVER been involved in but we had to euthanize him.  It broke my heart, I had promised this dog from day one I would never give up on him because that’s all he’d ever known.  In the two years of his life he never had a stable, loving, patient home.  Except for the few months he was with us.  That’s the only thing that made the whole situation bearable is that I know for the last few months of his life he knew what it was like to really be a dog, and loved.  I had him cremated and it helps knowing that he is with me, the only safe way possible.  He would have calmed down and probably turned into a great dog with age, but the problem was would he have lived that long!   I miss him daily, but I was with him until his very last minute and something in his eyes told me that he knew it was coming and that he was ok with it.  🙁

As far as other fosters, we had one end up back in the shelter and he had been one of our favorites, and so we just decided to adopt him.  Which brings our total up to 4 dogs of our own, and we have 2 fosters.  I’ve started fostering young pups and they seem to move really fast.  It’s definitely a test for me, but overall I feel the stress is lighter because they move quicker, and other than potty training really no issues with them.  

Anyways, this has turned out a lot longer than I had planned for.  I really need to get to work on this house, laundry, and everything else so that we can go to a volunteer picnic for the humane society.  Hopefully I’ll be writing again soon!

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September 9, 2012

That’s heartbreaking about Bones 🙁 But you’re right – you gave him something wonderful for those last few months and I know he appreciates it.