Woo Hoo-Graduation and Such

Well, it’s been a few days. I think I last wrote Tuesday. Wednesday was a pretty busy day. My cousin graduated!!!! YAY! He was so excited. Everyone was lol. When they called me and my sister hollered for him..it was awesome. His parents did show up..along with his brother and his brother’s wife and an old family friend. It was awesome. My mom got a little too excited before because of some parking issues and about put herself into labor. Crazy woman. Tuesday she’ll be 27 weeks and she’s a growin lmao. Gotta love her. I’m putting my bets..she only makes it about another 8-10 weeks…if that.
Anyways, work was alright this week. Getting fed up with it a bit..but it’s worth it…I guess. The one kid that got moved up in order for me to take his place has been slacking way bad. Since he’s been put on salary he thinks he can be lazy because he’s getting paid for it. Kinda irritating, but if I just keep working my butt off things could happen lol. I don’t care really…I just like the idea I’m going to be raking in a lot more money. Speaking of money. I could shoot myself. My savings accound has been drained…I think it’s because I pay so much extra on bills and then the little shopping spree we had when we bought the carpet and stuff. Anyways, we were in town on like Tuesday and we were in Wal-mart and I needed some makeup and stuff and so I had Matt pay for it and I told him I’d give him the money or I’d just pay the lot rent or whatever. WEll it ended up being a hundred bucks and I thought oh well because I don’t need to pay my car payment because I’m a month ahead..well like on Friday I checked and realized that I’m not a month ahead…and had to pay it. It drained what was left in checking and savings and I don’t get paid again til Friday…I have a check (small) coming from my old job…but now Matt’s short on paying the lot rent. I feel horrible….I’m such a dork! I’m going to try and get my last check from my old job real soon and I’m going to hurry and try and get it in the bank before the lot rent check goes through. Hopefully the landlord will be slow at depositing it with the long weekend and all. I hate this feeling..we’ve never had a money problem since day one..and this one’s because I’m an idiot. Blah lol
Anyways, this weekend had been pretty nice…I’ll update on it in the next entry.

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Ah, money always dissapears and I have no clue what I spend it on. I always go out with £20 and only come home with some loose change with no idea what I spent the money on….oh well, I guess that’s life!

May 31, 2004

Hey girl. Sweet-lookin diary! Visit mine sometime and leave a note : )