R.I.P “Big Red”

Well first of all…I just want to say YAY they have captured Saddam! It’s about darn time. Hopefully, it will be soon when all of the soldiers over there will get to come home. I know of a couple people over there that I know and I hope they are able to return safely…and everyone else who knows someone over there…I wish them a safe return as well.
Anyways, onto some rotten news! Yesterday Matt’s brother started calling at like 9. I was still in bed the first time and Matt was at work so no one answered. When I woke up I checked the caller id and found out who it was. I was on the internet a little while later getting ready to take a final and he called again, Matt still wasn’t home yet, and I was getting ready to take the final so I didn’t answer again. I figured he just wanted to chat with Matt about going snowmachining or something. Well when Matt got home I told him that he had called a couple times and so he used his work cell to call him back. He went in the bedroom and when he came out he was a little teary eyed and told me that he doesn’t want Bob to call here anymore. I asked him why and his exact words were “Red died lastnight!”….at first it didn’t dawn on me who it was until he said Brandon…then it hit me…he’s been Matt’s good friend forever!!! I was like..no way..I was so thinking he was just joking…but I couldn’t figure out why he’d joke about that…and why it would just randomly be about Brandon. I mean this is a friend that he hasn’t talked to since March. Matt’s really kicking himself because he stopped to see him the other day and his car wasn’t there so he assumed he wasn’t home. He’s been planning on stopping again, but has been so busy he hasn’t had the chance.
Matt’s still kind of just letting it sink in. I don’t think it’s hit him that he’s gone. It probably won’t until the funeral. I can see how this is going to go and I don’t know what to do. I mean I know I just need to be there for him but….it’s hard…I’ve never really had to experience someone so close to me passing away. Matt hasn’t really showed much emotion..he’s just talked about it..and talked about how it pisses him off and…blah…
I don’t even want to talk about it..I mean I didn’t know Brandon all that well..I mean I’d met him a few times a while back. There was a wile that I didn’t like him because him and a girl that him and Matt worked with caused a few problems between Matt and I..but this is still something you don’t wish on a person.
I guess he was working at a grain elevator and fell. No one is sure of exactly what happened. They just know he hit his head hard. They said when they took the CT Scan he had 80 pounds of pressure on his brain. There was basically no way he could have survived. They kept him on life support until they got all the family together and they got another dr there so they could donate his organs and then they unplugged him.
R.I.P Brandon “Big Red” Allen

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my sympathy.

December 15, 2003

oooooh… so sorry abt the loss.

December 16, 2003

Let’s see if I remember the name right…Ford Pride Cowgirl…or something like that right? I remember ya 🙂