
I’ll never forget the day last Spring when I had to decide once and for all if I was going to retire from my job of 21 years. I could postpone it or I could do it. That afternoon I was scheduled to go to the human resources office and sign the papers that would officially get the ball rolling. Once I had inked those papers, I knew that for all intent and purpose I would be retired. Finis. The end of my work life and actually the end of my whole life as I had comfortably known it for many years. I was on auto-pilot, but the plane had to land. I could have kept working, but I was at the perfect age to retire. I had only just recently gotten Medicare forms in the mail. Opening that mail was as if someone was saying to me, “Now’s the time. Do it.” I was truly on a momentous threshold and I knew it. I was extremely anxious about what I was planning to do that afternoon, yet the whole time I knew I would go forward with it. I knew that afternoon would change my life, and it did.

About 3 o’clock I couldn’t sit in the office any longer. I was fidgeting. My nerves were becoming a tangled mess. Would I or wouldn’t I? But I knew I wanted to avoid one thing at all cost — indecision. Terrible indecision is one of the hallmarks of depression, and I certainly didn’t want to revisit times in the past where I was in a place of agony about what to do regarding almost any decision I had to make, no matter how trivial. But of course there was a huge amount at stake with this decision.

I walked briskly to the waterfront nearby, sat on a bench and pondered my fate. About ten minutes later I got up. It was a beautiful, sunny day. I walked back to work, and with a sense of trepidation but also newly firm resolve, I signed the papers. I walked out of the human resources office a different person. I would soon be leaving my friends, my daily purpose for being these past 21 years, and the comfortable routines that had guided me along during two decades of a satisfying final career ( I had had two previous careers).

I had crossed the threshold into a new world that afternoon, one that would be full of new beginnings and unknown adventures. For the immediate future, and for who knows how much longer, I would be immersed in the heavy responsibilities of caregiving for my mother, just as I had done when I worked. But I would be a different person, looking ahead to the final chapter of life and trying to do it one day at a time.

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February 8, 2018

Very well said!!

February 8, 2018

So good to see you again. I wish you well on this new journey.

February 9, 2018

Here’s to enjoying this new chapter in your life to the fullest!

February 9, 2018

Indecision is a torture of the soul. I am delighted that you made the decision that you did. Doing life “one day at a time” keeps you rooted in the present – a good thing. Worry belongs to tomorrow which is the future. Congratulations on decision making and retirement.

February 11, 2018

I know retiring was a hard decision for you. You express yourself in such a great way…. I have words in my head but they never seem to come out the way they are in my mind!! But then, I am crazy!!! lol

February 11, 2018

@seafarer My friend, good to get your note. Yes it was a hard decision, but it was an inevitable one. But that day I signed the papers was hard because of the finality of it all. I mean, why couldn’t I just drift along awhile longer? Lol

February 13, 2018

sometimes change of direction is almost forced on us…..proof we are not always ultimately in charge….

You are doing so well. hugs p

February 14, 2018

It sounds like you made the right decision! My husband can retire in four years and he pretty much won’t shut up about it. I am a little more worried about ending up living out of a cardboard box since we really have not done any advanced planning, but who knows what is around the corner, as my dad is fond of saying.

February 14, 2018

I did get an email that I had a message from you but it’s not here and not on the note I sent you….how about sending it to my email? I had the part about your interest…but that ended the message. I’m sure there is something I have yet to learn about collecting messages.