Baby newsssss

I made it to and through Mass Sunday!!! Finally it feels like I’m getting my life back!
I just made sure to eat a good breakfast before and ofcourse I had another good breakfast after

Something strange and maybe a little too much info;

I have to RUN to the restroom as soon as I feel the urge to urinate because the baby likes to hang out by my bladder and he or she might kick me when I need to go and we have a little accident! Last thing I need is to look like poo and smell like pee!


The doctor likes to wait until 24 weeks to do the second ultrasound, so I have to wait another 3 weeks!
I feel like I have been waiting long enough!
Not that it makes a difference whether I’m having a boy or a girl, but my baby shower planners might want to know, as it is getting closer and closer to my due date! Annnnnd I don’t want to start buying stuff until I know for sure.

So YESTERDAY morning at work, Baby E decided to do some TAE BO.
( I miss Tae Bo. "Jab, Hook, Right, Uppercut!")

Anyway I was CERTAIN hubby would be able to feel these jabs and hooks, so after I took a shower, I had him lay his head on my lower belly where I was feeling a little flutter again, and he FINALLY said he could feel the baby!  He stayed there for a few more minutes and Baby E got him GOOD!!! The last kick was a HARD kick and hubby smiled so BIG  and said "I CAN FEEL HIM NOW!"

I’m so happy he can share my excitement ! For a while there I would just pause and be like, "I can feel the baby!" and everyone else was kind of like, "Oh, hmmm. Pass the potatoes."

We are definitely past the "I wonder if I’m really showing…" phase. (I look a little like a drag queen in this pic, sorry- and my mirror needs to be cleaned… and my counter… and my closet….)
When I was only like 11 weeks I was excited because some stranger at Walmart stopped and asked me when I was due.
I was like, "ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!"
I could not believe it, and I asked her how she knew because I was not showing at all! And she said, "I just know these things."

I have to update on some new recipes plus- catch up on my reading but I have all this energy right now so I’m trying to get the casa ready for the little prince/ princess’ arrival while I still can.

Once baby’s born, I will be the CEO of the E household so I will have more time;)



Toodle- ooh!














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February 5, 2013

Oh you are so cute! That’s crazy about the lady at Wal Mart. How could she have possibly known? Lol I used to do tae bo all the time! That’s awesome that your husband could feel the baby move!

Such a cute pic! Hey, your bathroom looks fab compared to mine right now (we’re in the process of packing and moving and I just pulled everything out of the bathroom closet and tossed it on the counter / in the sink this morning, LOL!). Those little baby kicks are so awesome — but wait until you start having those fake contractions every time you move later on, LOL!!!

February 5, 2013

Aww baby bump! so cute 🙂 That’s so exciting that he finally got to feel the baby. I’m really hoping my bf can feel the baby move sometime soon. Especially, since the baby is a TAE BO lover as well haha. When is your due date?

Hey girl! Haven’t seen anything from you in a while and I’ve been wondering how you and baby are doing! Hope everything is A-OK! 🙂 ~ Stephani