Not the Best Start

So, I may not be getting the best start on my diet.  I went out last night with my brother.  When I went out with Bryan on Monday, I managed to keep my carb count relatively low.  Tuesday is another story.  I started of Tuesday on a good foot.  I made an egg and cheese omelet with a tablespoon of sour cream and another tablespoon of guacamole.  Then later that day, I took my son to a boy scout meeting where they had a little ceremony followed by punch and cookies.  I managed to avoid those temptations.  After I dropped off my son back at his mom’s house, I called my brother to see if he wanted to go out.  He had recently woken up and could get out of the house for a bit.  I didn’t feel like spending a lot of money so we went to someplace cheap with alcohol.  We agreed on Taco Cabana.

At Taco Cabana I planned on getting their beef bowl which is there version of a taco salad.  I figured the carb count would be a little higher than my liking especially with the taco shell but shouldn’t be too bad.  Well, I got my beef bowl and as I started digging into it, I found a lot of rice.  I don’t remember there being rice included last time.  Then, add on top of that, I had a beer…and then, a strawberry margarita…and then, three flour tortillas.

On my way home, I told myself not to get discouraged.  Just because I have not gotten off to a good start does not mean that I should give up.  I just started my seven day work schedule so that should make it easier to at least get a good week of sticking to my diet as I will not have going out as an obstacle or temptation.  This is going to be a long month…

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February 8, 2018

a long month for you and me both. i start my diet tomorrow. dieting is really one of the hardest things for me and i’ve done a lot of hard things. BUT it’s possible and in that case you can do it! like you said, tomorrow is a new day, new start.

February 8, 2018

I started out great yesterday and ended the day with Pizza and wings because I was to tired to cook. Oh well. Today is a new day!

February 8, 2018

The only way I can succeed with low carb is to prep cook, and keep bags of salad in the fridge. Otherwise, I grab what’s convenient and blow it. I don’t love my Sunday prep cook, but I love opening the fridge before work to pack a lunch and finding so many options.  🙂  Keep on keeping on!!