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June 11, 2013

Now, I was just leaving.. when this caught my eye. I’ve seen your name on here, plenty of times, though I’ve never visited. My name has changed a lot, though I’ve been writing here for over a decade. I enjoyed the video on your front page. I too am a singer, the I only perform for the neighbors; sometimes for karaoke fans. That being said, pleased to meet you. What seems to be the problem, Dane?

June 11, 2013

I’m not going to be able to respond for a while, I’ve got my own problems, and ridiculous girl to deal with. Pardon my typos; past, present, or future. I’ll share this before I go though: Tao Te(h) Ching. It’s not religious, not even really spiritual. It’s ancient chinese philosophy that was once only shared with the rulers of china. You can find it for free online. 81 short passages, like poetry.

June 11, 2013

We aren’t TRULY human… this state is just an experience for the soul. Your Eternal essence (Spirit) having an experience as Dane. Its all good. Don’t attach to these experiences; learn what the universe is teaching you & move forward. Evolve. <3