
So…I woke up this morning and my phone is dead.

And I’d like to charge it…but for some reason one of my roomates doesn’t have a phone charger, and took it upon himself to take mine in to his room, where there is music playing…and I can’t find my ipod, which I would like to be using right now…and I can’t knock on their door, because they are having sex.


So…there’s that.


I don’t think I am ever going to have roomates again. Seriously, I’m over it. I’ve had my own place before and it got very lonely and started to bum me out, but that was also four or five years ago. I think I’m at the point where I’m going to be better by myself. Well, I’ll have Sadie with me, obviously…but no people. Fuck people. I’m sick of their attitudes, stupid faces, dumb ideas, and the way they smell.


I can deal with them in small doses, like when I’m working, or out in public at all…it’s kind of like going to the zoo. But, unless you’re that crazy bitch who lived with apes, or you don’t shave your armpits and eat granola every day, you probably don’t actually want to live in the zoo.

Or maybe you do, whatever. I don’t care. I’m over it.


So, right now I’m just angry at my roomates…so, there’s that.


It’s been building.


So…Preston just came out of the room and I asked him where my charger was, and he got it for me, and then I asked him where my i-pod was, and I guess his wife took it to work, and left it there, and they aren’t open until tomorrow…and she’s just, "like" sorry, and I’m like, "yeah…that’s not cool, at all." and left it there.

Then, Preston asked me if I could take him to the gas station to buy cigarettes…and he owes me money, you know. whatever.


Seriously, I am going to work it out to where I am never going to have roomates again. I’m over it.



Anyway, let’s talk about something good, shall we?


This week was pretty hard at work. Well, to be honest, the last couple of weeks have been pretty hard. My first two weeks on the job I made about $2,000, and then the last two weeks I only made about $1,000…but then all of the sudden I made $1,200 yesterday. That was legitimate. And I seriously mean LEGITIMATE.

I also met a really cool cat named KAT, and a sugar-glider.

I’ve never met a sugar-glider before, but they make a terrible noise when they wake up, and then apparently they bite…but they are so cute you just kind of let it go.


Ummmmmmm…my job is fucking weird.


Everyone in my company did really well last night, so we had a nice end of the week celebration at our place. We had pizza, beer, Crown, went swimming at midnight, and watched Batman. It was pretty awesome. I got to know some of the people I’ve been working with for a month and hadn’t really made an effort to get to know…they are pretty cool people, not super cool, but pretty cool.

Texas is strange.
The people here are definitely on their own page. The page of Texas.
Everyone loves god…a lot. I mean, A LOT. Which is kind of fun for me because I also love god A LOT.

Or something.

My idea of god has nothing to do with their idea of god, and when people tell me that they have christ in their heart I always laugh and think to myself that it’s probably actually cancer.


I like that everyone has guns.

I don’t like guns, they kind of freak me out…but I like that everyone else has them, it makes me feel like a shoot-out could happen at any moment, and I would piss my pants in excitement to see a good ol fashioned shoot out!


The main thing I like about Texas is the accent.
For most people I’ve met, it’s pretty understated, but some people have a real heavy drawl.
The reason why I like it so much is that I’ve found myself picking up on it.

There are a few things I’ve started saying with a drawl…I can’t help myself, I just pick up on mannerisms and run with them.
I also tuck my shirt in everyday…I feel like it makes me look more "Texas".

Oh, also, I haven’t had a beard in months. That’s weird.
And I shave my chest because it’s too fucking hot not to.
And I’ve gotten really tan.
And my spanish is coming back to me.


Texas is a lesson in endurance…I think it’s good for me to be out here alone.
No women, no friends, no band, no reputations…it’s just me and the Lone Star State.

I needed to get away from everything I thought made me who I am, so I can start finding out exactly who I am when it comes down to the bare minimum.



I think I’m going to a strip club tonight…I’m not totally sure, but I think it’s part of the "end of the week celebration" with everyone doing so well.

I guess titties are a good thing?

I don’t even know anymore.

I don’t think I even like sex or intimacy anymore.

I think I just want to be alone.

I think I’m going to go to India in January and stay there until I’m sick of it, and just keep moving, and eventually I’m going to get a cabin in the woods of Northwest America, and I’m going to get some wolves, and a mountain lion, and live off of whatever animals they bring home for me.

I’ll go in to town to trade furs for grain.

My beard will be huge.

I’ll always have a musket.

I’ll smell wonderful.

And with any luck, I can slowly drift off in to madness.





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May 20, 2013

You dick – pet mountain lions was my idea .

May 20, 2013

Where in TX did you end up? I tend to make my bedroom into its own separate mini-apartment. If I want to just hang out alone, I can just go in there.

May 22, 2013

I live in arkansas, which is like….the awkward little sister to texas. People are only capable of what you let them be, for better or worse. 🙂