Sunday afternoon survey.

– Name : Dane Gabriel Russ
– Age : 26
– Will you answer all questions truthfully : Yes
– Are you single : Yes sir
– Are you happy : No, not really. I’m just passing the time.
– Are you bored : Probably. But a few beers from now I won’t mind as much.
– Are you sad : I don’t even know anymore. Sometimes I think I am, but I think it’s more of just a general depression. Kind of a feeling of emptiness and hopelesness.
– Are you Italian :  I hope not.
– Are you German : I DOUBLE hope not.
– Are you Asian : …maybe? Now you’ve got me questioning the truth of everything I’ve ever known.
– Are you angry : Yes. Almost all the time lately.  
– Are you Irish : Leave me alone! I’m native American and Scandanavian Jew! SO SHUT UP!
– Are your parents still married : My dad is married…to my moms ex best friend, and my moms divorce to her second husband isn’t final yet…so yeah, I guess both my parents are still married. Technically.

– Birth Place : Santa Ana California
– Hair Color : All the colors!
– Eye color : Black
– Birthday : ALL THE BIRTHDAYS!!!!
– Mood : That great feeling when the alcohol starts to creep in, inbetween the sober and the intoxication.
– Gender : Both
– Lefty or Righty : Right to write with, left to jack with.
– Summer or Winter : Neither. Spring and fall.
– Morning or Afternoon : To do what? I like to sleep in the morning, but I like to wake up in the afternoon. Then I like to do things at night.

– Are you in love : This question can go fuck itself. Love is dead.  
– Do you believe in love at first sight : DEAD!
– Who ended your last relationship : I guess that depends on who you ask. 
– Have you ever been hurt : I can’t be hurt. I gain power from your yellow sun.
– Have you ever broken someone’s heart : Yes. I break EVERYONE’S heart.
– Are you friends with your ex :  Only one of them.
– Are you afraid of commitment : I’m not afraid of it. I just won’t do it ever again.
– Have you hugged someone within the last week? I hug my friends everytime I see them. Why? Because they are such sexxy sexxxy boys. That’s why.
– Have you ever had a secret admirer : Well, it wouldn’t be much of a secret if I knew about it, now would it?
– Have you ever broken your own heart?: WTF? 

– Love or Lust : I have destroyed both of those feelings from my life.
– Lemonade or Iced tea : Why are you so black and white? Let’s make an Arnold Palmer bitch!
– Cats or Dogs : My cat, Sadie, can kick your cat’s ass. 
– A few best friends or many regular friends – All my friends are the best. I don’t waste my time with people who are less than.  
– Television or Internet : Internet…for porn.
– Pepsi or Coke : Beer.
– Wild night out or romantic night in : ALL THE WILD NIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. haha…I am such a shut-in anymore. Lame.
– Pink or Purple : Beer color
– Day or Night : Night
– IM or Phone : IM? Do people still do that?

– Been caught sneaking out : Yes.
– Fallen down the stairs : Yes.
– White water rafted : Yes
– Finished an entire jawbreaker : I don’t even know. It’s been so long since I’ve eaten candy.
– Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? : Booze. That’s pain. Unless you’ve been through it, you can’t imagine what it feels like to have your nervous system shut down from alcohol withdrawl. I was literally dying.
– Prank called a store : Uh…
– Skipped School : Yes
– Wanted to disappear : I just do it.

– Smile or Eyes : People wit

h bad teeth make me sick. I make myself sick.  
– Light or Dark Hair : Bald
– Fat or Skinny : Fat! FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT!
– Intelligence or Attraction : BOOOOOOOOOZE!
– Jock or Nerd : SHORT AND FAT JOCK!
– Funny and poor OR rich and serious : Funny and poor. That’s how I roll.                               Bitch. 
– Play the guitar or into sports : Synchronized guitar swimming sports! 

– Last phone call you received : My work, but I didn’t pick up because I didn’t WANT TO BECAUSE IT’S MY DAY OFF!!!!!!!!!.
– Last person you hung out with : Reggie, you don’t know him. Great guy.
– Last person you hugged : Reggie, you don’t know him. Great guy.
– Last person you IM’ed : Really?
– Last thing you ate : I made this bomb ass BBQ chicken salad. Why? Because I make the food that makes the starving children die.
– Last thing you drank : A beer.
– Last site you went to : Facebook.
– Last place you were :  The only place I’ve been since yesterday morning was the grocery store and home.

– Are you in a committed relationship : Yes. Alec is the light of my life.
– Do you want to be : We’re going to get gay-married. Is that PC?
– Have you ever loved someone more than anything in the world?
– Do you still love them :
– Do you like someone right now: I hate ALL THE BITCHES.

– Do you and your family get along : No. They aren’t talking to me.
– Would you say you have a "messed up life": Would you?.
– Have you ever run away from home : Yes. A long time ago when I was in like fifth grade.
– Have you ever gotten kicked out : Depends on who you ask.
– If so, how long : 9 years now.

– Do you secretly hate one of your friends : Hahahaha. I don’t hate him.
– Do you consider all of your friends good friends : Anyone I consider a friend is a good friend..
– Who are/is your best friend(s) : Alec and Brandon.
– Who knows everything about you : Alec is probably the only person who knows me.

5 places you would like to live and why
– Portland OR, It’s the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I miss it a lot.
– Anywhere in Alaska, so people can fuck off. 
– Quebec, mostly so I can annoy the half-assed french people.
– Austin TX, because there’s a pretty badass music scene out there and I think people from Texas are just the cutest darned things.
– Spain…because it’s fucking Spain. 



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also where i live because.. you know… I LIVE there. And i’m awesome.

lmao your short and fat answers keep making me laugh

December 4, 2011

Scandanavian? Bitch.

December 4, 2011
