Are you me? Well, who am I?

Should I ask or did I answer myself?



My life is somewhere I never thought it would be.

I am an office sales manager for a marketing company.

I pretty much work 12 hour days monday through friday and then eight hours on saturdays.

I don’t really see my friends anymore.

I don’t really make music anymore.

I just work…come home to my cat. Drink a few beers. Sleep. Wake up and repeat.


I actually really like my job.

I am apparently really good at it.

But who the fuck am I?

This is not the Dane I thought I knew.

I am thinking that is a good thing though, because the Dane I knew kind of made me sick.

People actually respect me now.

The people over me in this company think I am doing a great job and let me know it.

I make a lot of money.

I’m still in debt big time…but at least I am crawling out of that hole faster than I thought possible.

I am going to be making a little over 60K next year.

…what the fuck?

I have a team of people that work under me.

what the fuck?

People depend on me.

People look up to me.

It’s like…it’s almost kind of sort of like I am some kind of adult maybe…or something.

I dunno.

It’s weird.


Sales manager huh?

Why didn’t I think of this shit before?


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August 27, 2011

Well done, bruh.

August 27, 2011

You’re a drug dealer?

Good job, hot stuff.

August 28, 2011

Good for you. Long hours can suck and you might not have time to make music now, but this sounds like a good opportunity to make money/get outta debt and figure yourself out. Exciting!

August 28, 2011

Excellent! How’s everything else going in life? How’s the drinking, depression, love life, decision making, mental state?? I miss your updates but am glad this one sounds like things are looking better for you.

August 29, 2011

hmmm well, thats great.. good for yoU! “who knew” is right… but wtf.. go with it if its workin ya know.

August 29, 2011

Congratulations you big corporate whore! No…but really…good going.

September 3, 2011

Happy for you