Updates and other trivial affairs.

Wow…so Thanksgiving huh?

That was something else.

Start off around 1:00 pm at Rachael’s families…I knew full well that we were going to my mom’s a few hours later, but I didn’t let that be a lame excuse not to fill up my plate and have at it.

I was holding in farts the whole time though because it was my first time meeting a lot of the people there, so after putting the food down my noise hole I got kinda uncomfortable. After a conversation about farts with Rachaels mom, I finally got to go outside and let a few rip.

Got to my moms house, took a shit, then piled up the plate again.

We got to sit at the kids table…my step family are kind of a bunch of douche bags and we get no respect at my moms house, but whatever, it was a free meal I guess.

After that I took another shit.

Then it was time to go to Friendsgiving at Alec’s house.

Echo had a sleepover at my moms with my two nieces, so we actually got to hang out and be adults doing adult stuff…like drinking beer.

Rachael and Alec and I were already super full from previous eating adventures, so while everyone at his place ate, the three of us decided to have a little DDM practice. It was going really well, then I took a hit of the marijuana plant and for a second I didn’t think I could play guitar. Alec dimmed the lights a little and set the mood, hahaha…the funny part is that I was totally able to play guitar after that.

I don’t handle THC very well.


Ummmm…let’s see, what else?

So DDM productions is this offshoot of Dane and the Death Machine that we have been working on. We are doing this big charity fashion show thing in December, that should be fun…then the next event we are planning is trying to work out a set acoustic night at a local bar, but after that is SODOM AND GAMORA!

DDM productions is totally throwing this huge costume party thing at this (unofficial) gay club that is going to be as close as you can get to an orgy without being raided by the FBI. It’s going to be amazing haha.

We will have our own private booth for all of the DDM productions people, and I want to have devil horns and just over-see all of the gay-anal-butt-loving that goes on and laugh maniacally as I count my money…and the new AIDS victims.

It’s going to be awesome.


Rachael and I are talking about two pretty big things lately:

1 – going to get her finger sized

2 – Baby names (for the future of course)

and it’s pretty awesome.

One of the things that has been amazing me lately about our relationship is how we can go from upset, to talking, to totally making up and being super lovey-dovey-like.

And it’s great because it’s little things that seem like they have the potential to cause a big problem, but after really sitting down and talking it out, and more importantly listening it out, we see them for the little things they are.

I might be wrong, but I think this trate in a relationship is a pretty rare one.

For me it definitely is.


At thanksgiving that whole going around the room and telling everyone what you are thankful for thing happened. My aunt, in front of everyone, actually said she was thankful that I finally found a girl who is good for me and makes me happy.

Of course it’s not a perfect relationship, but it really does make me happy.

She makes me happy.

She makes me feel comfortable and important and wanted and loved.

She feels like home, and I don’t ever want to be without her. Ever.

I’ve never felt like I had a home.

It’s a nice feeling.



So yeah, there is that.

Let’s see…Right now we have a producer re-mastering When Amonia Meets Bleech. I guess that’s cool.

Still working on Medicine head.

My job is actually turning out to be a pretty good source of income, I hate waiting tables but god damnit I’m great at it.

I’ve started giving half of all my money to Rachael hahaha. It’s working out really well. I still have enough to pay my bills and get some food and beer if I want to, put some gas in my car, rig elections…you know, the usual stuff.

It’s nice though because I’m really good at spending money, I’m TOO good at spending money. She is a lot smarter about that whole area than I am, so I give it to her and I know it won’t be wasted. Our savings are growing and we have food in the house and blah blah blah. It’s nice.


Ummmmm. So Echo has been good lately. I’m really working with her on the listening thing. She is a bad listener. But lately I have been reminding her that she gets in time out and she doesn’t get snacks or treats or anything fun when she doesn’t listen, and she’ll kind of just do that whole "my god, he’s right!" thing and start listening.

We took her to "Despicable Me" tonight at the dollar theater, it was actually a pretty cute movie. Yeah, I said "cute movie" and I’m not taking it back.

Steve Car…however you spell his last name, is pretty much awesome so I have no choice but to like everything he is in.

I’ve had a boner for him ever since Anchor man.

I’m sorry, but the outstretched arm with the grenade and the screaming…brilliant!

"I love lamp" is pretty classic as well.




Yeah, that’s right.


So yeah…

Things are getting better all the time.

I still have my moments where everything seems to suck, but everything has been seeming to suck less lately.


I guess what it comes down to is that, I never had a really good family.

I’ve never felt like I have belonged.

There are members of my family where we get along and all of that, but I mean…I dunno. I always wanted more.

Right now it kind of seems like I have the chance to start a little family of my own, and hopefully I can steer it into the direction I always wanted.

Lots of love, lots of support, lots of hope and understanding, and comisery…

Safety I guess.


The last little while has been really good.

Today was a really good day.

I love my girls, I love my friends.

So there’s that.




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November 28, 2010

Folks who can’t handle there thc are a-ok in my book, it makes me feel like some grizzled pothead wise beyond my years of…unsmartness. Thanksgiving was sort of the same for me, in the sense of doing adult things like getting drunk and taking my gas outside. Steve Carrel..I think is how it’s spelled..and yes, Brick Tamland from anchorman..FTW awwwz @ the fam..

November 30, 2010

You’re like all grown up and stuff. Gross. Ryn: I just… I just fall behind a little and then I feel like I have to write a big catch up thing and then that seems like too much work and then I give up. And then I think about Dane and I come running back. Awkwardly. Because it’s hard to run elegantly with a boner.

December 2, 2010
