The burrito that changed everything.

I’m thinking last night was the last straw.

The night started off well enough, a few friends and my girlfriend were having drinks and watching Team America.

At some point in the night I started to talk about how I don’t really get anything from drinking anymore and I think I should stop.

After it was agreed that not drinking would be a good idea, Rachael went to bed and I went to go get a burrito with our two friends.

There is this 24 hour place down the street from us, and we usually go inside because the people that are in there late at night are usually pretty entertaining.

Well…I guess this table said some shit about us or something, the details are kind of fuzzy, but I started talking shit back to them .

There were two guys and two girls and at one point one of the girls said something along the lines of "You’re a fucking retard" to me.

I just replied with "Yeah, well you’re fat."


I poured some hot sauce on my burrito and was just about to take a bite when suddenly I was on the ground.

I guess dude came over and just pushed me out of my chair, I didn’t even see him.

I guess I kind of went blind with rage or something, because I don’t remember what happened next, but my buddy Brandon said that a look came over me that he had never seen before, he said my eyes just kind of went blank and there was nothing but rage there, he said it honestly scared him.

According to Brandon and Cowboy, in less than an instant I was back up and standing over this guy, they said when I got up he looked really fucking scared, I guess he wasn’t expecting me to be half a foot taller than him and that pissed off…


This is where I looked down on him and asked him "How bad do you want to make this?"

I guess I didn’t wait for an answer, I just cocked back and got ready to punch him, which was when Dan jumped up and got infront of me, and Brandon got infront of the kid and just kept telling him, "You don’t want to do this, you’re going to get hurt."

So now all these people are holding me back, and the kid comes around to where people aren’t, so I fucking reach out and push him half way across the place and start trying to go after him…

The kid bolted and the dude behind the counter came out and told us to leave.

One of the dudes at the table came back and apologised for his friend, this is when I start to remember stuff.

I told him I didn’t want an apology I just wanted to kick his ass.

Blah blah blah…

so now, here I am.


I’m not drinking anymore.

I’m a jackass and no one likes me when I’m drunk.

I’m mean to strangers, I start fights, I embarass people in public, I do things that should get me arrested but for some unkown reason hasn’t yet…


Tonight my buddy The Garce and I went bowling.

It was really weird to go out and be bowling without a drop of alcohol in me.

It was nice though.

Different is good sometimes  you know?

I’m not going to say I will never drink again…it’s unrealistic to live my life within such strict parameters…

But I’m done for a long time.

And I don’t honestly think I will ever want to drink again.

I’ve been there.

I’ve drank…

I mean…I’ve done it now. There is no more to do with drinking. I have exhausted all it has to offer me…it doesn’t even shut up the crazy part of me anymore, it almost just creates an outlet for the crazy to take over for a while.

It’s dumb.

So yeah…that’s that.

Fuck. This is going to be weird. And probably really hard after my initial excitement wears off.

I have a few friends who aren’t going to mind if I’m not drinking, they will still hang out with me, and there are a lot of people I am going to have to cut out because, well I honestly don’t even like them. I know a shitload of people that are great drinking buddies, but I have nothing in common with them outside of alcohol.

It’s kind of pathetic really.


Oh well, dead weight is called dead weight for a reason right?

Cut it off.


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Sounds like a good plan to me. Sometime I miss drinking, I’ve been pregnant or nursing for nearly three years now, so it’s not even an option. You learn to have fun without it. 🙂

I’m sad and really glad to read this. I’m sorry that things snowballed so bad, but I’m literally relieved that you’ve decided to lay off the alcohol. Staying away from people who don’t add anything to your life is also beneficial. RYN: Yeah, well. The best I can do is keep going and hope things take a turn. I officially get to go home in two months, so at least I’m 1/3 done this semester.

RYN: No, I’m not at all offended, I actually agree with you. I just have a lot of anti-relatives and “friends” that are fighting with my gay friends on facebook, and it’s getting nasty. It just made me wonder how they would react if I told them. A lot of people know, but they’re people who couldn’t care either way. The issue that homosexuals are having with it is that the message was VERY anti and

didn’t have a drop of “god loves everyone” but a lot of “you’re broken and need to overcome those unnatural urges” which is a dangerous thing for a youth who may be struggling with those things to hear. One of my friends had a friend in high school who killed himself because of feeling like God must hate him because of those urges. It’s a dangerous and sad line.

October 9, 2010

I am, without doubt, cheering you on.

October 10, 2010

I love waking up not hungover too.

November 17, 2010

I have drinking friends. The guys I would never hang out with except that my real friends are busy being married and stuff.