Later on in bed…

…lie to all your friends.


Fuck. I love Brand New way too much.

I know there is other music out there…but what’s the point?


Anyway. I think I had someone elses dream last night.

My dreams are getting really weird and ever since I had that one dream where I am still completely convinced that I was just a tourist in someone elses psyche, they have been getting weirder and weirder.

Not drinking as much makes them more vivid and memorable as well.

"wait, I watched you throw out your bouquet.
Now I think about you everyday.
And I’m alone now in my bed.

There’s a lake, and at the bottom you’ll find all my friends.
They don’t swim cuz they’re all dead."

…okay, back to dreams and stuff.

So, last night I was someone else watching me. It was really weird.

And I know who I was too…

The really crazy part is that everyone was everyone except I was watching myself.

If that even makes sense.

We all looked the way we are supposed to look, we were all doing things that we normally do…there was nothing exceptional about this dream except for that I was this other person.

It was strange.

I just sat there waiting for myself to fuck up. Not who I was, but me…I was watching myself waiting for myself to just fuck up bad.

There was something in it for who I was.

It was really strange.

I don’t really want to go into the details…


"So you tried to put a fire out, but you used gasoline.
And when the congregation gathered around you were screaming ‘It wasn’t me’.

Now there’s a sickness that is going around but no one’s got the vaccine.
I think we’ll drowned in holy water, I think it’s time we all come clean…"


I think it would be interesting to come up with some sort of way to visualise dreams to other people. I think it’s possible.

for quadropalegic…however you spell it. You know, super man got thrown from a horse but is dead now kind of thing…steven hawking, yeah you know what I mean. Anyway, for those useless fuckers they have come up with these neural transmitter things so they can control computers and stuff like that.

It basically boils down to having them think "up up up up up up up up" and then mapping the brain waves until they can program a cursor to respond to that exact impulse.

So…if anyone had the patience, funding, time, desire and blah blah blah blah blah…nobel peace prize shit kind of stuff, I would like to believe that a team could sit around and basically go through a series of basic shapes and improper nouns and verbs, and have people recreate different emotions and so on and so forth until they have mapped out a fairly large database of neural impulses. Then when the dreamer dreams, hook them up and watch a very rough sketch of a dream appear on a screen or something.

And in my stupid brain this seems like something that could work.

But then again, what if when we are dreaming we don’t even use the same sort of brain waves? Cercadian rhythms and all that. Yeah, I don’t spell things correctly, no I am not going to use my spell checker, and yes you are probably smarter than me because your elementary school taught phonics and mine tried the experimental "whole word spelling" that completely fucked any chances I will ever have of spelling correctly…or even wanting to.

There is also the possibility that when we sleep we are actually having an out of body experience…if you are into the whole meta-physical bullshit.

Which I’m not.

Astral projection and such is an interesting thought, and is not something to be ruled out, but I had a few friends that claimed they could do it and would always tell me they were going to visit me in my dreams and show me how to do it and blah blah blah…I don’t think it worked…but maybe I was just ignoring them. Who knows?

I think though that more than likely, dreams tie in somehow to string theory…which I guess is kind of dumb for me to say because I only understand a very small fraction of what string theory is trying to tell me. I understand what it boils down to but there is a lot of stuff in the middle that I fail to understand.

I mean, I get the whole multi-dimensional thing…I guess where I get lost is why they think they can prove this with maths?

What the hell?

And the dumb part is that they use maths that most people can’t even begin to understand, so it’s like…there is this small group of people who write this absurdly long equasions and then they are like, "THERE! BOOM! PROVED IT!"

What a bunch of assholes.

 For those of you who don’t understand maths very well, this video might help…


Anyway…I don’t know why I am writing all of this shit about dreams.

The main point I came here to tell you is that Brand New is fucking great.

The end.


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September 24, 2010

Random Poster: Dude trust me… I have the most messed up dreams… I have recuring dreams as well. I bet i could write a book on how weird they are. oh and Brand new is amazing though man.

September 25, 2010

Ever since I quit smoking weed and started to drink, I find I’m starting to remember my dreams instead of waking up and asking my friends ‘Um..dude..did we rob a bank..and then go to my house and make a watermelon cake?’ Even if my dreams are about stupid **** like being a ninja or being the guy from’s nice that I can atleast remember them. Lmao ‘look around you’ is the most hilarious thing on AS aside from american dad & metalocalypse.