fuuuuuuuuuuck, this guy again?

I really hate this guy.


Even with all of the coffee in me though, I don’t have the energy to say anymore about it than this: Just check it out for yourself. His picture says more than I am willing to try to say right now.

And if that’s not enough, just give it a read.

I guess he started a new od so it is guaranteed it won’t be as full of laughs as his last one.



I don’t know why I’m such a dick.

I probably should just keep all my hate to myself but…I don’t.

waddya gunna dew write?



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September 22, 2010

No, you’re absolutely right to mock this guy. He’s a twat of truly epic proportions.

September 22, 2010

RYN: Actually she stole “dick racist” from my prior entry where I claimed I wasn’t a “boob racist.” That’s right, my ego is leaving this note. Nothing wrong with tit sucking but I’ve never been reduced to simple tit sucking due to a physical flaw. I’ve never been ID’s for a club, forgotten my ID and the bouncer has said, “Nope…you’re not coming in. Go round the back and commence tit sucking.”

September 22, 2010

*shudders* I hate that dude. Such a douche.

September 22, 2010

Nay, question not why thou are (supposedly) a dick. Spread the hate..-..I mean I wonder why I’m such a prick sometimes and why I’m so hateful and I never get anywhere but more drunk and pissed. That guys a ****in retard.

September 22, 2010

Oh no! What happened to his old diary? Haha, he used to comment on my **** all the time and once he told me something about how we evolved from dinosaurs or some ****.

September 23, 2010

My rant was aimed at specifically at parent who think they’re better than everyone else, not parents in general. I can respect people on an even playing feild but I only look up to those who exceed the standard. Raising you’re kids right is like not beating you’re girlfriend. It’s just what we should expect.

“His picture says more than I am willing to try to say right now.” Baaaaaahahahaaaa.

Haha, I remember seeing your entry about him on RC (however long ago that was). That was hilarious. I saw his picture on the front page the other day and thought of you immediately.

November 17, 2010

I hates him so much.