I’ve got my matches and my Quran…

…so where IS everybody? I thought we were gonna stir up the hornets nest a little today, ya know…show those Muslams who’s boss with a good ol’ fashioned book burning.

Back when we did this with the Beatles, it sure showed those hacks! Haven’t heard another word about those long haired, dope smoking, free loving, sissy boy satanists since.

And they really used to be such nice boys.

Oh well, Lennon got his right?

I’m really bummed out that no one else is out in the street ready to burn this fucker down. I mean, it wasn’t really cheap to buy this Quran, and I have no use for a book of violent anti-American filth other than this you know?

I thought that this was a really great idea too. Nothing says, "Fuck you from America" like waiting nine years to give the finger to a religion that is predominant in an area where a few assholes came over and said, "Fuck you from bimbeldy-bommbely" or wherever the hell those Muslams and A-rabs crawl out from their sand huts and have sex with their goats and hwhat hnot.

It makes my blood boil I tell ya!

You know, I started reading some of this here book, and at first I didn’t see any of this hate and rape and violence and such, but I’m no dummy. I put it down immediately because I figured out that it was just a trick. Rope you in with teachings that almost sounded similar to my baptist faith, then when your brain is all nice and washed up, SURPRISE! They’re gonna have me burning down flags, and car bombing starbucks, and draping black clothes over all the summer time women in their daisy dukes and hwhat hnot.

Fuck it, I just burned it by myself. I was scared to have that horrible demon power in my house anymore.








That was awesome.

I think after enough of us burn these books, the country of Islam will get the message and stop trying to fuck us up, cuz we done fucked them up harder.


We make all of the best products.

We have the best cuisine!

It’s safe here as long as you don’t live near any blacks or muslams.

EVERYONE FUCKING DRIVES A CAR! Can you believe it? Big ones too! YEEHA!

You can keep fucking without condoms because the more you knock up some chick, the better tax breaks you get.

Also, if you are super rich you get super tax breaks.

Also, if you lose your job you can get unemployment and not have to do a god damn thing for almost a year! 

Oh, and sueing people is the best.











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September 11, 2010

RYN: I appreciate your comments, and thank you for taking the time to make them known. I do agree that people shouldn’t mourn 9/11 as much as they have, but we shouldn’t just accept the cookie cutter story if there is evidence that suggests otherwise. Evidence that suggests wars and countless lives may have been lost over lies. That doesn’t gel with me, considering so many have been killedin these wars. Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. If we let those who are truly responsible get away with it, they will think they can do it again. I agree that there have been worse tragedies throughout history (Rwanda, anyone?) but if this was an inside job rather than box cutter wielding minions of Allah, we need to keep the pressure going, until someone breaks and the truth is revealed.

September 12, 2010

this entry is awesome!

September 12, 2010

Holy Wow. Lmao. Dude.