Since my last entry, nothing is better.

This is a really hard one.

…it has real ammunition this time.

Makes it a little harder to discredit.


I deleted my facebook account.

I never wanted to really be on there in the first place, but got talked into it.

Social networking sites are not my friend.

"No one really knows the one’s they love, if you knew everything they thought about you’d wish that they’d just shut up."

So true…

And I did wish they would all shut up.

So I’m out of that scene.

Gave admin control of the Dane and the Death Machine page to Rachael and Alec…they will update shit better anyway, I had lost my motivation to pretend to like strangers.

I got sick a while ago…got Rachael sick.

Then Echo came home from a vacation with her dad…she brought home a cold.

So now we are both sick again.

We both slept on and off until noon, it’s hard to sleep with a five year old pestering you every few minutes…so it was a lot more just like laying there.

Finally got out of bed and Alec and his girlfriend came over.

We had to get some basic scratch tracks done for the next album so we can hand them over to our producer. Julianne (alecs girl) was a great help in keeping Echo entertained while we recorded the mic stuff. Shit needs to be completely silent, and without someone with her, there would be no way that Echo would have stayed in another room…

Anyway, the scratch tracks are coming along nicely.

It’s nothing I would want to show anyone outside of the project, but they are definitely doing what they were created for.

For anyone that doesn’t know, and if you haven’t put it together, scratch tracks are just a rough draft before the final project. Get your bearing straight. See what does and doesn’t work, blah blah blah blah no one cares.


So yeah.



I need to put an end to Dane and the Death Machine soon.

It used to be kind of a pressure release for that part of the brain that hates me, but now it seems like it’s just turned on me and is working together with it to kill me faster.

I dunno…Alec says we should try to do something happy for a change, you know, take a breather from DDM.

I don’t know if I have it in me.

I don’t know how to express happy artistically.


I guess maybe there is a challenge in the whole idea.



I have been mulling it over.


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September 7, 2010

It will be a sad day when DDM is laid to rest but I also feel that it is for the better. I don’t know how to artistically express happiness either but it will be a challenge we can work on together. Love you beautiful boy <3

September 7, 2010

yea i feel like most anything i make in a good mood is ****ty. i either have to be drunk or mad or extremely sad for it to be a worthwhile result. BLOWS!

Though things aren’t “better” you still have a strong family connection going on, which is good. DDM will always be one of my favorites, but at some point it’s time to move on. DDM was a chapter in a book… time to finish the book. Happy doesn’t usually translate easily, but it can be done