Let’s take drugs and feel terrific!*

So, wednesday night a lot I got into this fight with Rachael for some reason, that doesn’t really make sense…but it left both of us going to bed super angry.

So then I had a hard time sleeping, and woke up early and then she woke up and then the argument continued…but then because we are awesome we worked it out pretty fast and went to this bright pink mexican restaurant that is pretty much the shit, and then this fat dumb lady told me not to order the chile Verde Burrito because she had over heard me ordering it and according to her, "I don’t know if they took the pork and rice and beans and just blended it all up, but when I cut into my burrito it was nothing but a bunch of green stuff."

Normally I take advice on food from fat people, because it would be dumb not to. But this bitch had two strikes against her.

Strike one – From around the corner she was eavesdropping hard enough to hear what I ordered.

Strike two – The dumb bitch called the chile verde "green stuff".


So I stayed with my order and I was rewarded with a delicious meal.

Rachaels meal was awesome too.

And then the server and manager came up to ask us why that dumb bitch was complaining, so we told them she was just a dumb bitch and that everything rocked, so they gave us all this free stuff for not being douche bags I guess.


So then we went to band practice and jammed a bit…

Echo is out of town with her dad for a while, a little more than a week.


after dumb fight, and not being able to spend any time alone with eachother for so long, and no five year old running around…we went and bought ourselves some designer party drugs, and had ourselves a happy little time.

I’m talking about E.

Ya dig?

Now, neither of us are ravers by any means…but sitting at home alone with the person you love, rolling and just loving everything for a few hours is the best $40 dollar vacation you can get.


…and now I’m going to take a nap.




* Dane, nor Open Diary endorses the use of illegal drugs, they are a bad bad horrible thing. Every single person who does drugs dies. Every one of them. Without a doubt. Do you want to die? Do you? I didn’t think so. Don’t do drugs and you can live forever like John McCain has been for the last several hundred years.


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E… my favorite.

August 27, 2010

hahaha đŸ™‚ you’re funny you! I like the way you write, I agree with how you think, and I though the quote on John McCain was very funny. cheers!

August 27, 2010

I find amusement in referring to rolling as a $40 vacation. That’s hysterical and kind of true.

August 27, 2010

I fully endorse chile verde though. YUM!