I owe an apology to the staight of Arizona

For some statements I might have made about their "immigration reform", that may have been followed up with some statements about how everyone thinks Salt Lake is this or that…and then ended with a big "BUT AT LEAST WE’RE NOT ARIZONA!"

Well…I’m sorry.


Arizona, you are still a piece of shit. I want you to understand this.

It just seems Utah is no better.


So after introducing an almost identical "reform" to the great Beehive state (which is bad enough right?) It turns out that some people (the concerned citizens of America) who allegedly work for the Department of Workforce Services (and I say allegedly because this whole thing was completely anonymous and the news always likes to wrap things up so people can sleep feeling like bad people have been caught while authorities sit around spinning on the thumb up their ass) issued a giant fucking list of "known" illegal aliens.

This list was delivered anonymously to several government agencies, and also every news station attached with a letter:


"Dear fellow white people,

Fuck these Mexicans…fuck em good!"


Okay, that’s not really what the letter said…I mean, literally. When I read it that’s what I walked away with though.


It’s just great because now there is this raging debate over whether or not these concerned citizens jackass’s are criminals, or real American heroes. Ya know, like G.I. Joe…

I haven’t heard anyone argue that maybe they are just jackass’s?

The last time I checked, it’s not illegal to make a list of people that live in a city…and if it is someone needs to go fuck up those white pages people.

However, I also think that if you are going to be that blatantly hateful and racist, you should have the balls to attache a return address, especially if you think you’re doing the right thing, no?


So…now that a ton of people are polarized on the entire issue, there are certain counties in Utah threatening an embargo on other counties…I mean, WHAT THE FUCK????

And all these dumb ass holes don’t realize that if this keeps up, other states entirely will smack an embargo on us the way they did to Arizona.

I mean…state in state embargo?

what the fuck are all these fucking idiots thinking?

And so now I have to sit and listen to people just bitch and bitch and bitch about how we need to kick all the god damn spics (not all illegals though, this seems to be centered on Mexicans…again…what the fuck?) So that we can start getting our jobs back!



So…here is the way I see it.

Most of these assholes that complain about a Mexican stealing their job are…SURPRISE! On un-employment! FOR MONTHS! So…sorry bitches, I’ve found FOUR count em, FOUR fucking jobs in the last year and Imma douche! Seriously! That’s why I had to find four jobs!

Also, you would just bitch all day standing in a hot kitchen getting yelled at by an 18 year old blonde rich bitch about how table 93s steak was over cooked just a little and now you gotta cook a new one!

Also, most of these illegal immigrants are working two jobs EVERY DAY. I know this because I have talked to a lot of them.


And…you don’t think cheap labor means that when you go out somewhere or buy something it’s also keeping the price out of your wallet down?


It’s called fucking economics.


Now then…I don’t think we should have an open door policy, but I do think that illegal immigration has been a pretty huge part of the structure of our society for long enough (With people looking the other way…lots of people….LOTS AND LOTS OF IMPORTANT PEOPLE HAVE BEEN LOOKING THE OTHER FUCKING WAY FOR YEARS!) so now, while we are all having a hard time, let’s fuck with that structure?



Now, seriously, I don’t believe in an open door policy, but I also know that these bills are going to cost US TAX PAYERS more money because they are going to need more man power to regulate this shit.

It’s a giant witch hunt that we are all paying for with an end result that could only be disastrous.


If this whole thing is REALLY such a problem, then A ) Why have so many law makers been just letting it happen


guess what it is?


Why didn’t they just stop this from being a problem to begin with?


So, instead of amping up the borders…let’s just take it to the streets…yeah…yeah, let’s do that.

That’s not going to be extremely fucking difficult and non-effective at all.

This should be all done and over with in a few weeks tops.






Here is all I have to say about the government at this point.

Don’t make US pay for YOUR fucking mistakes.

We are getting sick of it.

And if YOU can’t keep THEM out of your country, cut the fucking losses and let them contribute to society.

They are not all dangerous criminals

Most of them work harder than you or I do, have families they love, and came here for a chance at something better…and guess what? I have had conversations with a lot of them and they don’t really think it’s that much better.


Fucking idiots.


I hate everything.






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July 23, 2010

This whole issue makes me tired. It’s just time switch scapegoats again. First it was the blacks, now it’s the hispanics/latinos everyone hates. First it was Jews, now everyone hates Muslims. I’m getting really tired of Bigoted Musical Chairs.

July 23, 2010

Also, haha you said “staight”

July 24, 2010

Hahaha. Dane, you are always rambling about the strangest stuff. But I just wanted to stop by and say hi.