Are you scared yet?

So…BP has announced that they are going to take the cap off of the oil spill in the gulf.

This is apparently their plan:

They are taking this robot submarine to remove the cap…then, in the next two to four days, they are going to try to put on a new cap that will allow the flow of oil to be collected onto ships waiting on the surface.

So…after about three months of dealing with a spill that they could not contain, (About three weeks into the spill they started talking about how it was going to make the area of that ocean a "dead zone" where no sort of live could survive due to lack of oxygen) they have finally decided they are going to uncap it and TRY to replace the seal…in the mean time an estimated FIVE MILLION GALLONS of oil is going to be free-flowing into that area of ocean.

I dunno…at least the good people at BP are doing a great job putting the minds of the public at ease.

Check this out:


"BP spokesman Mark Proegler said the old cap was removed at 12:37 p.m. CDT on Saturday.

‘Over the next four to seven days, depending on how things go, we should get that sealing cap on. That’s our plan,’ said Kent Wells, a BP senior vice president.

It would be only a temporary solution to the catastrophe unleashed by a drilling rig explosion nearly 12 weeks ago. It won’t plug the busted well and it remains uncertain that it will succeed."


Let’s see if I am understanding what I think I am understand here. Over the next FOUR TO SEVEN days (usually when an ambulance isn’t in a hurry it’s because they know whoever they are picking up is dead already) DEPENDING on how things go, WE SHOULD get that sealing cap on. That’s our plan.


That’s your plan…your plan is to make this thing pretty much as bad as possible in the hopes that possibly maybe there is a chance that sometime you are not sure of in the next week you think you can fix the problem?


Fucking christ.


First of all, I thought we were trying to turn away from oil dependency…and I don’t mean dependency on oil from the middle east, I thought that we REALLY wanted to find alternate fuel sources…and honestly I thought that we had found them already they are just "Too expensive" to produce. Oil is much more convenient right? Like…we can lose 5 million gallons in the next day and completely fuck up a huge portion of the ocean that is going to put a ton of fisherman out of work and do damage to the coastline and severely fuck up our echo system because…well you know what? It’s just a lot more convenient.

Secondly, remember all those people who have been feverishly against off shore drilling for oil?

You remember those people?

I don’t think they EVER went away.

Remember when oil tycoons said "Fuck it, let’s drill anyway"


…maybe this is why people were against it?

I dunno.


Just a hunch.




Money…it all comes down to money.


I can’t wait for the big BP bail-out.

And if they don’t get one it will only be because someone needed to be made an example of.

So that we can feel secure, our big brother punishes the people who hurt us.

We are safe.


Give me a fucking break.

I hate this world.



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I hate it too, absolutely hate it. What’s worse is what the **** are we supposed to do? It’s like watching someone kill your family while your tied up but not gagged. They still want that oil and they will destroy the ocean to get it. How’s come the people that can do something won’t stop them? It’s so frustrating.

July 10, 2010

You and I both, Brotha..

July 10, 2010

Yeah, I caught on all their “should” and “could” and “might”. To A_Slave_To_Iris, the reason the powers that be who ARE capable of doing something, but DON’T is because they are profiting off of this as well. Don’t be fooled into thinking that money isn’t the main motivator in this situation and all others the government and major corporations face. We are the “little people” and thegovernment hasn’t acted as if they serve the people instead of the other way around for decades – maybe even centuries. And there is something we can do – protest. Write letters. Boycott BP gasoline. But, most people won’t do that alone. They only want to do it when there’s a great big crowd so they can be as anonymous as possible. While Republicans tell all the people of this country that they won’t pass the unemployment extension for the 8th time because they aren’t sure where the money will come from, big banks and loan institutions (and I’m sure BP) STILL have an unlimited fund to which from steal from the American people. And we will never be able to repay it. Things are going to get much worse (for us) before they ever get better. Take care<

Saw this on readers choice. To answer your question: I’ve BEEN scared! This is the weirdest, stupidest, most asinine incident I’ve ever heard of. Until we re-learn how to get along without oil, which was done 100 years ago, this will just continue. It’s all greed and it IS sickening. Thanks for the post! KT

July 10, 2010

The longer this goes on, the more I want to burst into tears or punch something. This is one of those situations where we millions of folks who had been proclaiming what an effing bad idea this was in the first place can’t even be happy about “I told you so,” because it’s all just too horrific.

July 10, 2010

I live on the Gulf Coast and had planned on taking my kids to the beach every other weekend if not every weekend this summer, just like every summer since they have been born…until this crap happened! A local seafood restaurant has advertised on their sign “All you can eat chicken tenders $9.95” There is no more local fresh seafood. Sad, so sad.

July 10, 2010

Couldn’t be expressed any better random noter 🙂 But I like how you say things…I just may keep comin’ back 🙂 Have a great weekend!

July 10, 2010
July 10, 2010

At least they’re trying to do something. Unlike our president. They’re repairing it so they can suck more oil up. Would you rather have them be doing nothing?

July 10, 2010

And you tend to forget how far down that oil well top is. It’s going to take time. Quit bitching about it, people, and do something. Go down there and help out or write a letter to them giving them a suggestion as to what to do. Other than that, keep your mouth shut.

July 10, 2010

I also see that people are forgetting about all the people who work for the oil industry. Don’t you think they’re feeling it too? The job loss, the money loss, layoffs, boats and people on standby. What about them? Fishermen aren’t the only ones loosing money in this.

July 10, 2010

money money money… really does make the world go around. ive been following this pretty closely asi work in the insurance industry and the insurers decisions and investigations have been published publicly (or at least for us) and sent through all relevant companies. it’s a fcking travesty first and foremost for the environment, second for the consequent losses and third for their **** response

July 10, 2010

What a bunch of **** ups. Jesus Christ. They cannot be serious.

July 10, 2010

my favorite part about all this is how the amount of oil per day they say the new cap will collect is like five times more than their original claim of how much was leaking per day to begin with. second favorite part: coastal states will continue to want offshore drilling, but will clamor for federal money to pay for damages from this spill, all while complaining about government spending

July 10, 2010

BP is full of idiots. I have absolutely no faith in their “ideas.”

July 10, 2010

People who think this hasn’t been fixed yet because people in power are profiting are foolish. As an accountant with a family full of mechanical and petrol engineers, I can tell you why it hasn’t been fixed – because it’s goddamn near impossible to do so. It’s not even about money to fix it, because the building legal claims are much more than any cost to fix the leak – they just don’t know how.

Great entry. You are absolutely right. Except.. I don’t exactly agree that Big Brother is looking out for anyone except Big Brother and the like.. but if you were being sarcastic.. well. ANYWAY, it makes me feel sick reading this crap. I can’t even begin to think about it because I’ll loose weight (literally). That’s sort of a joke but it’s just not funny. Assholes. WTF? Like I said, great entry.

July 10, 2010

There is a conspiracy theory circulating Tumblr that there is a huge bubble of methane building up near the gusher under the ocean floor, comparable to one that caused the Permian mass extinction 251 million years ago. I don’t believe it, but hell BP and the bureaucrats aren’t novices in the whole “keeping things hushed up” arena, so **** knows what’s really going on.

……Why the effin hell didnt they think of this long before the issue got as bad as it did?……… I live an hour from Grand Isle..and all that is there is singlehandedly being destroyed by this stupid company.

July 11, 2010

Actually they’re drilling a relief well to intersect the damaged well. Once they’ve done that they’re poring in heavy mud followed by cement to seal the well. This cap thing is only a temporary measure if the relief well, which is the only thing that will fix the problem once and for all, fails. Try reading a bit more instead of one-sided American news sources…

As far as I can see, they haven’t done much in the past, what, 79 days? 80? I don’t see where the government can do much, it’s not like the possess the knowledge or ability to stop the oil and clean it up. BP has been in the oil business for years, yet they don’t know what they’re doing, how so? I’ve been told that BP rigs near europe are all outfitted with special equipment to prevent such things from happening. But they don’t put the same stuff on American rigs. I’ve already wondered if the british are somehow doing all this on purpose, dragging their feet. After all, it’s not like this is their country…

July 11, 2010

Random: On the other hand, one does have to ask: at this juncture, what else can one do?

The government’s involvement in this is that when the application for the well was approved, it didn’t include any contingency for dealing with this type of an incident. It’s because the agency’s people were being bribed with money and sexual favors. What I don’t understand is why our country with all its military might and technological know-how doesn’t have any type of plan to save our country from ecological disasters which are as much of a threat to our national security as terrorist attacks and war.

July 11, 2010

they could have killed the well completely, and this mess would have been cleaned up MONTHS ago. Instead, they’re trying to save the well in order to be able to start drilling there again in the coming years. Killing a well is fast and easy, but it ensures that no drilling can take place there ever again. They want to save their well, so theyre killing everything else. Pisses me off.

July 11, 2010

saw you on the front page & i couldn’t agree with you more.

July 11, 2010

Regulation & oversight plz!

This really is pathetic. What gets me boiling is how complacent the public is in all of this. Its as if there’s nothing going on to be concerned about. In the 60s or 70s people would have gotten together and protested and tried to clean this **** up and make a difference. Now all people care about is their mocha latte and coach bag. Maybe next year when the whole eastern seaboard is covered in

tar balls and shrimp are a delicacy that only billionaires can afford, will people really start to notice. But I still doubt anyone will actually make any efforts to change things.

July 11, 2010

I live in Gulfport, Mississippi. It is a disaster …. economically, envionmentally. Life here will never be the same, and God help us if we get a hurricane. SIGH

July 11, 2010

“First of all, I thought we were trying to turn away from oil dependency” You really thought that? Haha.

July 11, 2010

This is the result from the Bush Administration’s back room deals that resulted in unprecedented deregulation. This is what happens when the fox guards the hen house.

July 11, 2010

Very, VERY, scared. For all the children. For all the young adults. Who never got the chance to fix the causes of this and Monsanto and Suez etc etc while it could be fixed. But we have to try. We have to! See

July 11, 2010

Kind of sad that it took them this long to come up with some sort of plan. You can tell they’re really worried and accepting full responsibility. Oh wait… if you have billions of dollars you can do whatever the Eff you want to. >:-(

July 14, 2010

This little article put a spring in my step all day.