Buried to your breasts. (Edit)
So, I guess in Iran there is this women who cheated on her husband and now they are going to bury her up to her breasts and stone her with rocks that are big enough to be stones and inflict pain, but not big enough to kill her instantly.
…I just find it horrible that we don’t have this kind of policy here in America.
I mean, what the fuck is up with women cheating on their husbands and then taking half of their money?
That’s bullshit!
I’m going to start getting signatures for this whole stoning thing. I mean…that punishment just makes sense.
It fits the crime.
All you women and your voting, and driving, and bank accounts, and "equality" make me sick.
No more!
Please contact your local legislation and help me get the stoning act put into motion!
Not women though, just men…I think you women have done enough!
I totally forgot something else that is pretty sweet.
In Iran, after she was locked up for two years awaiting trial, they tried to convict her ( and somehow ended up dropping it ) of murdering her husband.
They used this new technology called "Judges Intuition".
It’s where a judge needs absolutely no evidence at all to convict someone of a crime…HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT’S AWESOME!
Why is this bold practice missing from our own judicial system?
I’m sick of all of these criminals getting away because of insufficient evidence!
Sometimes you can look at someone and they just have "guilty" written all over their faces!
I see it all the time, just even driving down the street, going to the shopping center, or at my weekly anthropology club meetings!
All crooks!
If this country doesn’t start moving in a better direction soon I’m just moving to Iran.
Yeah I’m too busy trying to find a job to exercise my rights as a woman to go putting energy into your Stoning bill anyway.
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So I guess it is safe to say that for cheating men, we can bury them upside down with a breathing tube so they live and kick them in the crotch for hours.
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LMAO!! I will support your motion if we get to bury the cheating penis’ get to have their balls and penises peeled away later by later!!
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Dammit! That was supposed to be “if the cheating penises get to have their balls and penises removed layer by layer”…sorry, I was laughing too damn hard!!
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haha you should know better than me ACTUALLY looking for a job. I was being waggish 😛
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*big smooshy girlie hugs…or some shite like that* Aww. You’re such a sweet gentleperson type. Wtfever, I have nothing. Haha! Maybe its good he gets the money, cause with the ring on my finger, and my hand on his junk, its mine anyways. Haha!
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Shush darling…you’re so much prettier when you’re not…typing?? And don’t think too much…you might hurt yourself…you’re meant to look pretty and service the ladies. That’s it. LOL!
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Well considering my husband has had his share of little flings where the hell is all that money he should of gotten, at least I could be spending that. So o.k. I will take all that kicking in the crotch stuff back as long as he gets the money. If I am stupid enough to put up with him all this time, at least I will have money to spend at my own whim.
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Pay depends on services rendered and if the girls are satisfied afterwards. Hold up. Let me find out. [cue hold music] …. Yes, he does say, “And its our god-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved…”
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Oh well, his Douchebaggery got him some green and some sexy biatches who will lay him for his wallet!! Score!!
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*Flicks you*
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before you move to Iran, make me a sandwich
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You should move. Then you could make a song called I ran to Iran. Hah! Brilliant
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The other day I talked to this really ancient woman that didn’t even have her own social security number. Apparently back in the day, if you were a woman, they’d just tack a “B” on to the end of your husband’s SSN and that’s how you collected money. Women were basically subsidiaries of their husbands. Oh, the good old days.
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And there wasn’t even any proof that she actually cheated on him. It was someone’s word against her’s.
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You know, Mang, I just went there…maybe..three months ago now, for the very first time. Autopia was definitely lacking to today’s standards. At the end of that video I was trying to run some little girl off the road, and I would have succeded too…if it weren’t for those meddling tracks, and their crappy cars too!! ;D –
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Buzz Lightyear Adventure, or whatever, was the bomb though! *kaboom*
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So can that go both ways? To the men? I mean, it’s just as screwed up….and uhhh I have a few names to toss around 😉 and I LOVE what closedsoul said 🙂 PERFECT!
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LOL. screw the stoning, we need that judge’s intuition… convicting people without needing any evidence is what really matters!
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Don’t laugh — I’ll bet there are fundamnetalist Christians out there who would love to see a law like this in the United States. They’re always the ones who want to throw the first rock.
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the middle east is effing backwards. i lived there. i’d know.
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you mean people who cheat period. Not just women?
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