So volatile

I don’t feel human today, no…I don’t feel like you at all.

I clean myself with Ammonia and Bleach until all my skin starts wearing off…


I haven’t felt well for the last few days.

In my head mostly.

I’m angry at things that don’t even exist.

I want to burn ideas of problems.

…misplaced anger is the worst kind of anger.

And confusion is the fuel.


I just have to keep reminding myself that anything happening in my life is because I made it happen.

The choices I made and will continue to make will shape my being.

Because of who I am I will make the choices to do or not do the things I do or don’t do.

Where I go in life is all of my own free will, and what happens to me when I get there all could have either been avoided or pressed into action.


…yet here I am.

I am angry at "them" whatever the fuck that means…you can say "the system" or whatever…but it’s still really only an idea, nothing tangible.

I’m suspicious of ghosts.

My feelings are hurt by after shocks.


…I don’t feel alive today


I don’t feel that good at all…

I just need more pills to digest

I don’t feel that good at all…

and it’s like my hobby to keep chewing on the painful things.



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June 23, 2010

let go of the painful ****!i think you need to put your feet up and relax. the system blows… yes yes it does. but it seems like you got some good **** goin on…. so let a bad day just be a bad day. tmrw can always be better.

Then we’re sharing hobbies today

You don’t really clean yourself with bleach & ammonia do you? That sounds awful.