Dane and the Death Macfhine is back

Not that it ever went anywhere…it just sleeps from time to time.

It’s awake now…and kind of grumpy.

It’s going to be fun to see what it does next I guess…

Alec in front, my lovely bass player sexy goddess woman Rachael, and I guess that’s me in the back….I don’t look like that though. I’m wearing a mask.


So yeah, I got my computer fixed…we are starting the initial recordings today, we have a great producer who is going to mix all of our awesome tunes down. He is working with some hip hop guy for Warner Bro’s right now…so you know it’s going to be good.

Actually, I’m kind of excited to see what he does with this album because he normally just works with hip hop artists and medicine head is going to be about the farthest thing from hip hop you can get.

It’s really soft and pretty and acoustic driven…but this is going to be the darkest and angriest Dane and the Death Machine album so far.

I didn’t realize it while I was putting the songs together, but I have taken a lot of the blame and anger away from myself…I just started turning it to places that deserve it more.

It’s pretty spiteful.




Anyway, I don’t have to work today, I have already had some awesome sex, and now I’m uploading youtube videos and watching Coheed and Cambria live at the starland ballroom….so, could you say my life is awesome?


…but why stop there?

My life is the best thing in the fucking world!


The best.


in the world

Or at least until bad shit happens again and I turn back into a failing drug addict/alcoholic and I find myself alone and suicidal….

the fucked up part is I know it’s bound to happen.


So for now let’s just say my life is the best thing in the fucking world and go with that yeah?



Glad you agree.

I fucking love the new DDM  pictures….yeah



Best thing in the world.

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May 13, 2010

I’m glad things are going well for you 🙂 And I truly believe that you don’t have to repeat that terrible cycle you think you’re stuck in.

May 13, 2010

Miss ya, douche.

May 13, 2010

Ohhh right. But I’m glad you are happy – fo real, yo.

May 13, 2010

trippy pix…

I love this Dane. The happy Dane. I was so worried about you for so long and now everything is good and that really is awesome. It’s funny that you mentioned uploading videos to YouTube because I logged into YouTube today to show a co-worker a video a friend of mine made and I was surprised at all your new videos. Since I subscribe to your page I can see when you upload new videos. I’m so happy that you’re happy.

May 13, 2010

that’s awesome! falling is a part of life, but try not worry about that yet. absolutely fantastic pictures.

This makes me happy. ♥