Round one…elevator madness

This is a taste of what can happen when Amytronikkk and I get drunk together and are bored waiting for people to come get us.


Pretty awesome if you are asking me.

So I have begun to ween myself off of alcohol.

Last night I drank a few beers, I actually went to a bar and only had two.

I don’t feel super shitty today, only kind of shitty.

So…last night was tronikkk’s last night visiting me in SLC so my sister and her and I and a bunch of other cool kids went to this bar by my place in the city.

It was apparently the place to be because there were a lot of people there.

I was having a really shitty night, and I won’t go into it, but yeah…I was not really in the mood to be at some super packed place.

I talked Miles into going out for a smoke with me, and soon after these three gorgeous girls walked out and asked if they could buy a cigarette from me.

I basically told them that I wouldn’t charge them for lung cancer and they could just have one, then miles started to chat them up.

As I stated earlier, I am in a pretty bad mood, and more than a little angry and wary of the female gender right now, so I basically just kept the rule in force that I was only going to speak when spoken too.

Anyway, this blonde one ended up taking a liking to me.

It turns out that she is friends with my friend, Joe-rock, who actually was there, so I started talking to Joe…by this time playing pool with Tronikkk had kind of made me feel better. I told Joe I wanted to still do something because the bar was closing down, he said that they were all going to Norther Exposure, a strip club inNorth Salt Lake.  I wasn’t really feeling the vibe so I politely declined.

A minute later that blonde girl (who was actually extemely attractive, which surprised me that I thought so because I don’t really get into blondes at all) came up to me and asked me if I was going to the strip club. I told her that it just didn’t sound fun so I was looking for something else to do, at this point almost word for word she says to me, "Well I’m trying to find something to do too, take down my number and call me if you find anything."

I just started busting up laughing on the inside, life is such a bitch like that…but whatever, I took her number.

So…Tronikkk and my sister and these three other dudes I met that night through my sister all came back to my place, I bought some weed from a kid in my building, and some of us got stoned and we all looked for something better to do.

When nothing came up, people started telling me I should call that blonde girl, so after enough pressure I did.


"Hey, it’s Dane, we met at the bar. I was just wondering if you ended up finding anything going on."

"No, did you?"

"Well I have some people over but I think they are leaving soon if we can’t find anything, I guess it’s getting pretty late."

"Oh! Well maybe you can come over to my…wait…okay. no I guess everyone is crashing here too. But we should definitely hang out some time."

"Yeah, maybe that could be fun."

"Maybe? (giggles)"

"You seem like a cute girl, I will consider it."

"Okay well consider it and let me know (giggles)"

"Okay, bye"


Except I wasn’t trying to be flirty haha.

I just don’t know if I want to hang out with this girl.

She really was a 10, and she didn’t seem air headed or anything.

I’m just over it you know?

And of course, when I finally shut down and become completely over it is when the first blonde I have considered attractive in years just throws herself at me….

Shit show

-The end


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January 17, 2010

haha. You should be so lucky. She does seem a little desperate, but really all depends on how drunk she was.

January 17, 2010

i disagree with blaire. just because a girl shows her interest in a guy,,,doesnt mean shes desperate. if that theory were true then all men who go after women are purely desperate…. well, i guess that could be the case anyway haha jk jk. sounds like a good turn of events tho… good stuff!

January 17, 2010

Heh. It’s possible.

January 17, 2010

look how cute you are! I’ve read a bunch of your entries and I wish you all the best with your recovery. I know several people who are going through similar things, and I have faith that you’ll pull through with flying colors. take care,