It burns a hole through everyone who feels it

You’re never gonna find it if you’re looking for it

it won’t come your way.


What the hell am I doing?

It’s almost noon and I am just scraping myself out of bed

It took me a minute to even figure out what day it is.

So now I crack a beer and slit my stomach open and spill my smelly wet disgusting guts all over the internet

I’m such a shit show.

I don’t think I can do this anymore.

I wish someone, fucking anyone, could just for one moment have a glimpse into what I feel like.

What this entire thing feels like.

The thoughts, and the regrets, the guilt, the craziness, the not eating, the drinking too much, the smoking a pack a day, being broke, being so in love and hating the thought of it, being incapable of getting close to anyone else, the meaningless sex, the fake laughter, talking bullshit to people because you’re too afraid to actually say anything real to them for fear of being rejected because you have been rejected so many times in your fucking pathetic joke of a life that at least if they reject your bullshit…you know it was all just bullshit anyway.

"Why are you acting so naive infront of me? It seems you only go as deep as you can with dry knees…"

I have to go to work soon, I should probably eat something I guess…I don’t remember the last time I ate.

I think it was thursday, I know I didn’t eat yesterday…I think, I dunno. Yesterday I am actively trying to forget.

I got home after my sister and Amytronikkk dropped me off from my friends farewell party…which ended with my friend almost coming to blows with I think his little sisters boyfriend…I’m not sure who the guy was exactly though…and I got in my elevator and started going up to my floor, and I just lost my shit and started banging my head against the walls of the elevator as hard as I could and just screaming…

why the fuck did I think I could go to a party anyway?

I am not even sure when the last time I went to one was, but I remember hating it…and I hated this one.

I always think I’m having fun at first…and then it’s just…

nhahahahah, a shit show I guess.


Fucking christ.

I am truly just a monster.

I used to tell people I was going crazy

and it was true

but now it finally happened.

I think I should delete this diary

and my facebook

I think I need to just cut myself off.

This is too much.

What the fuck?


The truly awesome part is that there were so many good things about yesterday….


Pretty much until the sun went down I was having the best day of my life.

I couldn’t even believe it

Literally I was just…I felt like things were okay for a minute

I thought things were better than okay.

I was fucking flying

it was amazing.

And then….

I don’t know what happened…but whatever it is inside of me that needs to be killed…that fucking mess came up.

hahaha, actually I know exactly what happened now that I think about it.

I tried to put a fire out, but I used gasoline…



I don’t understand peoples objections to my thoughts of suicide.

I really don’t.

What the fuck am I contributing to anyones life that they care if I am here?

Like…my mom the other night called one of my friends to see if I was with them (my phone is shut off right now) and she was just sobbing telling me how much I am hurting everyone and how an addicts life just leaves this wake of destruction in the lives of the people that care about the addict and blah blah blah…and it was like, "NO SHIT! SO JUST FUCKING LET ME KILL MYSELF!"

because other people are great too, but my mom is the reason I won’t do it.

I think about how much pain it would cause her and I can’t do it.

I hate hurting people

and I hurt people all the time

that’s why I hate myself.

I just wish she would somehow come to an understanding…realise that I am in so much pain, and most of it is because of the pain that I have caused other people, and it’s not ever going to be fixed.

It will never go away.

I will never be okay.

And honestly it’s because I don’t deserve it…every time I get close to something good I have to fuck it up, because I don’t deserve anything good.

And people try to talk me out of it…but they have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

Not everyone deserves to be happy, it’s not an essential right that every human has.

When you have fucked up this much.

When you have destroyed people for your own gain

When you have just been a downright dirty fucking bastard…

You need to pay for it.

You need to pay a penance.

And you usually have to pay more than what you actually dished out….because actions last forever, you can never take them back.

So maybe I actually can’t kill myself.

Maybe I have to live this life of pain…I am going to have to stay here, in this body I hate, and deal with it.

Deal with all of the people who will never actually know me

who will never care about me.

Only one person truly knows me…and it’s sad because it means she knows how ugly I am.

No one will ever know me again

That’s probably for the best.

I am never having sex again.

I will never be with anyone again.

I don’t want to.

I don’t want to do it to another person…and honestly I don’t want to put myself through that either.

"Well if I’m a liar and you’re a thief, at least we both know where the other one sleeps…so let’s end this tonight."



even just trying to talk about shit like this makes me feel like a self indulgant piece of shit, and I’m sure it just pisses people off….

just remember this is not depression

this is something else.

Self hatred.


He seemed like an awesome, great guy.

Good luck.

I’m out.



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I agree completely that happiness is not something every human has an absolute right to. But then I think that the “pursuit of happiness” is total bull****, because the thing about happiness is that it in itself cannot be pursued. It only comes about as an almost accidental by-product when something else, something with more meaning than just one person’s emotional state, is what’s being

pursued. As far as what people’s objections to suicide are: I only know what mine are, and I don’t think they’re the same as a lot of other people’s. I believe that it’s no less wrong to kill yourself than it is to kill someone else. I believe that it’s wrong to take a human life and that extends to all human life including your own. That’s the bare-bones basic premise of my argument.

There is more to it; it’s not just an arbitrary rule: but that’s the basic premise of my belief on the subject. Also: parties ARE a ****show. It’s the nature of the thing. It’s like watching a bunch of corpses try to pretend they’re not dead.

January 16, 2010

youre wrong… every human does deserve happiness. thast the point of existence. to exist in our natural state which is peace, bliss and joy. its the world that gets in the way. its only a few times that i can remember in my life feeling moments of real joy and peace. and theyre fleeting. the brain takes over. the mind runs rampant on me, and you, and them. the mind ruins it all, the world is not

January 16, 2010

youre wrong… every human does deserve happiness. thast the point of existence. to exist in our natural state which is peace, bliss and joy. its the world that gets in the way. its only a few times that i can remember in my life feeling moments of real joy and peace. and theyre fleeting. the brain takes over. the mind runs rampant on me, and you, and them. the mind ruins it all, the world is not

January 16, 2010

kind… but under the **** all we can ever really have that really counts for anythign in the end is happiness and love. i sound liek a flakey ass, but under all the treehugging stigmas…i know what im saying is true. and thats the mission… to find that peace and to **** the world. bc none of it matters anyway, all you have at the end of the day is yourself. everything else is secondary