Breaking up is hard to do.

So after a little over a week of not seeing her or talking to her…I broke up with her.

In mid december I started to have a really bad low point.

She told me that it felt like I didn’t care about he or want to be with her…

hahahaha…it’s so fucking geat to here…I’ve heard it a few hundred times before from so many people…variations sometimes, sure, but even with just my friends I hear sit like that.

I am not capable of maintaining a relationship on any degree.

I love alone.

I need to stay alone.

I know so many people, and I know how to get along with people, and it looks like I have so many friends, but I really don’t.

I just know a lot of people and am good at faking nice.

My friends…I can count them on my fingers.

You can’t really trust anyone.


So, after she said that to me…I freaked out, and I realized that I am completely not ready to go through the hell of sabotaging myself and trying to fix it repeatedly. I just don’t think I can handle it right now…I need to either change my behavior or just stop pretending I can be a functioning member of society.

And I don’t see change in my future.


"I know you’ve seen this before, but now enough is too much, yo don’t want to be set back when the substition comes…."


I really feel like I did her a favor.

I really do.

I had to cut it off before roots began to grow.

I cried…I cried because I hurt someone

I cried a lot…I am so tired of hurting people…it’s why sometimes killing myself makes sense, because yeah, I would hurt people…but I have done that my whole life, and at least I can guarantee that that would be the last time.

I’m not a good person.

I actually honestly am starting to come to terms with the reality that I am a bad person.

It’s not easy.

I’m not going to kill myself romantically or anything…some great suicide with a letter. I’m not going to just hit the breaks, that’s not my style.

But sometimes I sit and think that maybe the way I live my life is just the same thing as killing myself.

I mean, I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, I drink a magnum of wine and a twelve pack to myself a night, and I usually throw a bowl or two in there.

It kind of is a total disregard to my health, and my well being…but honestly, sometimes I just don’t care.

Sometimes the best thing in the world sounds like just abusing myself to the point where I lose my fucking mind.

It’s kind of weird huh? It’s actually kind of creepy hahaha. But I mean…

well…I’m just not joking.



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January 8, 2010

It’s…not all bad. Lookit me, I got my own island..all to myself, I done killed who i used to be and cut off contact with everyone else who don’t have a substance problem-, compromise is crucial to relationships, but I only wanted the compromise that suited me, it’d be great if we could just blame everyone else and still be lov-..haha, almost said that with a straight face.

January 8, 2010

thanks for the note, i appreciate your advice – but i think its time for me to chill until i feel the need to be a lil slut again. of course i read this too – i don’t know you so what i say may not matter, but my ex is like u almost scary alike – u know what though i still love him and i always will and if he were to do something like that it’d scar me for life, i’m sure sum1 feels the same 4 u

I know how it can be.

i broke up once, but i’ve been broken up a lot more.

January 9, 2010

well im not so sure you did her a favor… bc im sure she was w you for many reasons… thing is youre just really cutting yourself short. people just gotta BE!!! what the ****, u put so much thought into your misery,,, why cant u try to put that much thought and effort into your happiness? and youre not doing anyone any good to kill yourself, ur just guaranteeing them a lifetimes bill for therapy

January 9, 2010

stop being a selfish ass. ive had bouts of depression often over the last 12 years of my feels good to feel sad, its twisted and true. but IM OVER IT< im worth the joy and happiness that happy people have so its mine now. im making it mine, depression is comforting and warm and gooey but theres more to life than this cop out. ur the only one who can change anythin, your friends and

January 9, 2010

everyone else, including your girlfriends and your ex have nothing to do with it! start realizing your worth!! SHEESH

I don’t know berry but she’s right – you need to stop being a selfish ass. Seriously Dane, enough is enough. You are a young, smart, good looking guy and you’re throwing it all away and do you know what? It pisses me right the f*ck off. My cousin died of cancer at 35 years old and he fought so hard to live the last few years of his life and he lost his fight. Yet here you are talking about killingyourself. You’re lucky that we’re not friends in real life because I would be kicking your ass anytime you pulled this bs about killing yourself.