Take me…

 …take me back to your bed
I love you so much that it hurts my head
I don’t mind you under my skin, I let the bad parts in…the bad parts in

When we were made we were set apart
life is a test and I get bad marks…now some saint’s got the job of writing down my sins

The storm is coming…the storm is coming in…



So, I haven’t updated anything in a while, I mean…I kind of have but not really.

Yesterday I broke down and started crying four times kind of out of nowhere.


I kind of don’t like my friends anymore.


I live alone.


I don’t like going out anymore.


I don’t like people anymore.


I just work and go to school, rinse and repeat.


I drink every night so the loneliness doesn’t drowned me.


I still don’t drink liquor, and I don’t get drunk, but every night I go through a few beers.


I work on projects

Listen to music

Watch the same movies over and over.


I ride my bike a lot.


I get in verbal fights with homeless people.


…that’s my life right now.



Log in to write a note

(((HUGS))) Hang in there…. 🙂

November 3, 2009

either way Dane this is a better place than you were a few short months ago… at least from what you write here it seems that way. rinse and repeat ain’t so bad… i do the same **** everyday too, i just try to make sure i have things at least in the foreseeable future to look fwd to… shows…day trips.. whatever. that gets me through the monotony of life

November 3, 2009

i like what you wrote you wrote in the begining. beautiful. big hugs 🙂

November 3, 2009

RYN: i will look into it. and once you said it is horrifyingly depressing, i thought maybe you shouldn’t sit and listen to it then… might explain your harsh mood. you need to find a hobby that involves you going out. how about photograhpy? when its just for fun, you don’t need anything expensive. hell use a phonecamera. but it can help you unlesh some creativity. and meet new friends.

Though it might seem like things are out of your hands, you actually do have a pretty good grip on things right now, and really that’s something pretty huge. I think the only step left is to really figure out what you want and where you want to be, and it will happen. Just keep things light and funny and the days will be easier, and of course… NEVER stop fighting those homeless people.

November 4, 2009

*hugs* xox

November 13, 2009

Remember that you’re in a major transitional period right now. I know things still haven’t worked out quite like you’d expected, but it looks to me like you’re actually handling yourself really well. So you have a few beers? You’re not getting wasted every night and making yourself sick all the time. You don’t like your friends anymore? They’re probably just not the right people you should be

November 13, 2009

spending much time with, anyway. Honestly, from what I’ve been able to take away from this diary about your friends thus far, is that they’ve only been enabling you to keep drinking and keep doing all the crap that makes your life miserable. Some friends will get you wasted if it makes you feel better in the moment. Real friends will kick your ass up and down the street if that’s what you really

November 13, 2009

need. Surround yourself with the right people, and if you can’t find them, you’re much better off alone for a while. Working and going to school may be a monotonous drag, but remember that’s REALLY going to pay off in the end. Keep working on your projects, keep listening to music, keep riding your bike. I know you don’t feel like you’re in a great place right now, but I’m really proud of you, Dan

November 13, 2009

Dane (got cut off lol). You’re making a lot of great, major changes with your life, and it’s not easy, but it’s for the best. I hope you can see that for yourself as well.

November 13, 2009

Supposedly the key is to find purpose. Or take solace in the purpose you’ve found. I don’t know. Maybe the key is to just smile and put on a show for everyone else’s benefit.