The Legendary figure 8 wall…

 So, Wes had just signed the lease on a new house right in Los Angeles, so I went with him to drop his first months check in the mailbox.



( by the way, his backyard has a fucking lighthouse in it…I mean, seriously, a really big lighthouse. It’s awesome! )

It turns out that his house is literally just down the street from the figure 8 wall, and since I had my camera on me we thought it would be fun to walk down there and take a video of all the graffiti paying homage to Elliott Smith. 


At some point, what I thought were two girls started yelling "ELLIOTT!" so I decided to go see why they were so excited…


It turns out that only one of them was a girl.


My bad.


He ended up being a douche anyway so I don’t feel too bad about calling him a girl.





And then the awkward part…





So, I have been saying it for a while, but now people are starting to see I wasn’t lying. Youtube is going to hate me and wish I never got this camera. Because I am seriously going to upload thousands of videos, and by the time I die, only 12 of them will be good.






I win.



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i STILL think that was a girl

oh and ps i played “THERE’S AH-SO MANY BUILDINGS” on repeat for maybe a whole minute straight. effin laughter all around.

ok… so …. maybe you said “this is so many…” but AH-SO-MANY is better…. admit it.

hahahahaha funny Dane.

Re: YOUR entry makes me sad… all that bullshit graffiti on the best goodbye letter of all time. stupid people and their spray paint. stupid spray painting people.

THERE’S SO MANY BUILDINGS hahahahahaha. Oh my god, you crack me up. Also, I’m really glad I have a handle on what your laugh sounds like. If you ever kidnap me and blind fold me and laugh, I’ll know EXACTLY who you are!

I bet I laugh more than you. I’m a laughosaur.

September 9, 2009

lol oh shit that girl did not actually pass for a guy!! what a kidder and yesssss i would love to be your accessorist. id make really lewd cuff bracelets and necklaces for you… it would be called “The Lewd Dane Line” of jewelery. might be a best seller!! and yesss id link you to my designs but then everyone on here who is so overly interested would know my name!! and we cant have that can we…

September 9, 2009

if youre super curious i can email it to you since you dont allow the private notes. and your friend kind of looks like the captain from titanic. I mean that in the best way possible LOL i think its teh hairdo and the beard and his skinnylips =P hahah im in a bitchy mood apparently =P

September 10, 2009

What part of Orange County are you from? LOL! I would have punched him hahaha. I love your videos. That camera may be the best thing that ever happened to you lol.

September 15, 2009

I need to stop reading your entries at work. I keep forgetting how multimedia they are.