
 So, I’m not dead. 

I guess I felt like I should get on here and let everyone know I am alive still.


I haven’t really been around computers much lately.


I quit my job. It was a horrible, disgusting, piece of shit job that  was depleting the small amount of moral decency that I have. 

I didn’t bother to put together a back up plan either, just quit. 

So now my dumb ass doesn’t have a place to live or a source of income. 

It’s okay though because I am still really good looking, and I can be charming if I need to be. So I get by. 



Let’s see… 

Progress on the Dane and the Death Machine album is coming along very, very, very, very, very slowly…but slow is better than not at all I guess.


Alec is out of town visiting friends in Oregon, so I am kind of bummed about that. He just left this morning and I already miss him a lot. 


I am playing a show tonight…I guess that’s cool?


Let’s see, what else?


I don’t drink liquor anymore.

I start the Art Institute in October. 




Almost died in a car crash yesterday ( I was not the driver, and no alcohol was involved. )

The new Tall as Lions album is really good.


I liked the movie "Paper Heart" a lot.




It’s my sisters birthday on the 4th of September so I am going to go out to California for a few days.

Oh yeah, I’m not moving to California anymore either…stuck in Utah for a few more years. I guess it’s not so bad, I am not going to have a lot of time to hate it, just going to school full time. Plus, when it’s over I will have a degree in multi-media design which is a pretty kick ass degree to have.


Oh, and my sister is coming back with me after her birthday, so it’s going to be pretty awesome to have her around for a change. Lord only knows why she wants to move to Utah, but I can’t say I’m too sad about her decision. 


I almost really did kill myself with alcohol. It was pretty bad.

but I didn’t…

…which you already know because I said that already plus I am typing this right now.


Let’s see…what else?


Oh, I have been hiking a lot the last few weeks. Like, I mean A LOT.  There have just been a bunch of days and nights where there is not a whole lot to do so we just go up the canyon where all the fancy ski resorts are, and start exploring trails. We hiked up a waterfall the other day, that was pretty rad.  We also went for a little hike a few nights ago when there was this meteor shower. It was pretty sweet. 




I think that’s it. 


I mean, I’m pretty sure that is all I have been up to for the last few weeks. Just hiking, and trying to figure out what the next step in my life is. 


I get really sad a lot. 

I don’t talk about it though really. I’m done talking about it all. I mean, I’m getting better at not being sad all the time. But I have been getting really sad a lot. Mostly at night is when it starts to really wear down on me. Since I stopped drinking liquor I don’t really sleep very well anymore. So I find myself awake and alone in the middle of the night every night and it gives me too many opportunities to reflect on the ways I have done this all to myself.

It gets pretty hard sometimes.


But I have done some major revising to the group of people I choose to spend my time with, and I am now surrounded with a group of really kind hearted loving people who are being more supportive of me and the decisions I have been making to better myself then I am really used to.  Almost every day I get a random "I’m proud of you" from at least one of them.  It’s helping me to remember that everything happens for a reason and anything that doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger. 


God, if everything that doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger I should be one of the strongest men alive at this point. 




Sorry if a bunch of you were worried. I can understand why. I was even worried there for a while. I dunno. I guess killing yourself with alcohol is a very romantic idea until you start to notice that you are actually dying. 


I don’t really want to get into details or anything, but it wasn’t quick enough, and it was more painful than I could have ever imagined.


the end.







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August 24, 2009

Dane I’m really happy for you for not drinking. That’s seriously a big step. And the fact that you’re going to school!! Wow. Good job.

August 24, 2009

I was just thinking about you last night and how I hadn’t seen any new entries. I am glad to hear you are doing better! Congrats on the not drinking and going to school! I sometimes have trouble sleeping and so I take Melatonin. It’s supposed to be non habit forming and it works really well, I pick mine up at GNC.

August 24, 2009

I was just thinking about you last night and how I hadn’t seen any new entries. I am glad to hear you are doing better! Congrats on the not drinking and going to school! I sometimes have trouble sleeping and so I take Melatonin. It’s supposed to be non habit forming and it works really well, I pick mine up at GNC.

August 24, 2009

Well done.

August 24, 2009

YeoW!!! multimedia design huh!!! Fing awesome!! good shit im excited for yoU!! D-anealicious A-mazin applesauce N-erdy Terd E-xcccccccellent SHWING! haha and ya its about time you updated!!! i was getting tired of leaving idle messages on your page. blah blah this and that lata gata!

Very glad to know you’re doing better.

all i want to do is give you a hug right now.

August 24, 2009

I guess killing yourself with alcohol is a very romantic idea until you start to notice that you are actually dying. I thought the EXACT same thing about my addiction just last night. Although I started too late, I’m making a lot of the same changes myself. I’m glad we’re still here.

August 24, 2009

“It was a horrible, disgusting, piece of shit job that was depleting the small amount of moral decency that I have” You were a member of CONGRESS? “So now my dumb ass doesn’t have a place to live or a source of income.” Find a place for the rest of you and let your ass fend for itself. “Just hiking, and trying to figure out what the next step in my life is.” I do this also, except for the hiking.

August 24, 2009

Very happy to see you typing again. Please try to be consistent. I feel like you are headed in the right direction. I have some decent feelings going on.

OH MY G. DANE UPDATED HIS DIARY. LIKE WHO WOULD EVER THOUGHT THAT WOULD HAPPEN? Like I’ve told you from the beginning, though I do worry about you at times, I know that you’re too strong to let this shit win you over. I knew you’d pull your shit together, however creamy of a shit it was. You are the strongest man alive… your mullet doesn’t fool me. I’m here, you should know.

Thank God that you’re ok and that you updated. You seriously scared the pants off of me. Most days I would pray that you were getting sober and healthy and doing what was best for you and other days I couldn’t help but worry & think that something really bad happened. I’m am really happy that you’re ok and that you’re not drinking. Thank you for updating. I hope you like the phone.

August 25, 2009

I’m glad you’re doing better.

August 25, 2009

I was worried about you man. I happy for you that you have things to be happy about right now.

August 25, 2009

What are you going to do with your degree? I always kind of wanted to do advertising. It seems really interesting. Then I was worried about being a sell out. I’m going to assume you’re going to make music videos and MTV will see them and realize the errors of their ways, go back to playing music videos 24/7 and rename the channel DaneTV.

August 26, 2009

I’m very glad you’re not dead.