I knew there was something fishy going on…

Barack Obama the Antichrist?

Well…I’m not sure exactly what this video was talking about, but it seems true to me.

The yellow text really re-affirms that what I am hearing must be important, so important it takes up two senses. I am hearing and seeing it at the same time. That’s pretty important.


And I think if I was God, and needed a good time to send the Antichrist down, I think I would definitely make that time correspond with the United States electing the first president who isn’t a white-bred bible thumper.

I know I know, you are thinking to yourself, "But the first black president isn’t an obvious enough target for such ridiculous claims! Can’t we make him a homosexual too?"

No, that’s going too far people.

But let’s look at the facts:


Barack Obama is Black.

The church he went to was a "black church"  (that just sounds evil doesn’t it?)

He has terrorist connections that have been publicized but remain vauge and have always seemed like mud slinging.

He once stood in line and paid for a hamburger "like everyone else" (how deceitful)

And…he’s a smoker.


Well, I’m convinced.

All signs point to Antichrist.


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hahaha. good stuff.

July 29, 2009

people are seriously dumb!

July 29, 2009

Burn the witch!

July 29, 2009

Nail him to a cross?

July 29, 2009

…burn a cross …in his front yard?

BUT… consider THIS amazing fact!… If you take Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary word 1299 and subtract that from Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary word 1300, you have 1. As in, the Chosen One?? Ooooooooooo. lol

My other response was going to be “Let he who is not an antichrist cast the first stone.”… haha

July 29, 2009


July 29, 2009

OH SHIT I SPENT A LOT OF TIME REVIEWING THE HEBREW LANGUAGE AND THE BIBLE SO THAT I COULD FIND THINGS THAT POINT TO WHAT I WANT TO MAKE UP. I am that good. Eventually, enough staring at the texts made it all start to make sense..


July 29, 2009

Can’t we make him a homosexual too?” LAFF!!! Awesome.

July 29, 2009

I think it is his big ears that gives him away LOL people are really stupider heheh

July 29, 2009

haha wtf

July 29, 2009

AHh it’s all becoming so clear now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

July 29, 2009

Wingnuts and lunatics have always been around, babbling moronic things about Presidents, Popes, and whoever aroused the paranoia of the whack jobs. Except until fairly recently, most of us didn’t have to listen to the whack jobs or delete their hysterical e-mails from our inboxes, or see their blogs pop up during Google searches. Pay no attention to the noise. Obama is certainly not the Antichrist. Everyone knows that Rush Limbaugh is the Antichrist.

July 29, 2009

I wish Baraq O Baw-maw was my name. Sadness all around.

July 29, 2009

go to 3.20 and I quote “Lightning from the heigths” You know he’d have a tad more credibility if he could first master the basics of English before tackling the intricacies of ancient Aramaic

July 30, 2009

where are you?

July 31, 2009

did you fall off a mountain peak somewhere? where are all the funny anecdotes and deeper thoughts? hope everything is okay

July 31, 2009

You also forget that he’s got NO SIDE CHILDREN, and is still married the woman who has his children. Really, what black man has ever done that before? He has to be the antichrist!

Does he float?

How are you?

August 3, 2009


Lol apparently they had too much time on thier hands? Whatever the case interesting theory.

August 5, 2009

Cleverrrrrr. I’m not gonna lie, this was pretty creepy. But I can’t help but wonder if it’s true. Like the actual words and all that, is it really fact? Minus the whole anti-christ thing, but wait, I thought the anti-christ was supposed to be European…Isn’t Obama’s momma (hehehe, that sounds cool if you say it aloud) German? ooooooo! hahaha