The new horrible addiction plauging the worldEDIT

It is ruining marriages.

It’s victims begin to care less and less about hygiene.

It’s victims become increasingly apathetic towards anything in life but it.

It depletes their bank accounts. Some of them will go without electricity or water just to feed their addiciont.

The worst part, is that it is even wrapping it’s grip around children.

The scariest part is that it can be found in family households all around the world, often the parents are the ones that start their children in on the addiction…


I am now going to show you a video of a young boy going through the initial withrdrawls…I’m going to warn you, this video is not fake, it is very real and it is very disturbing.

I feel like not enough people are talking about the horrors of this addiction, and I have personally had enough. It’s time to speak it! It’s time to make a voice! It’s time to say NO MORE!


And I am just going to warn you one more time, what you are about to see is not easy to take in…





Okay, world of war craft kind of freaks me out honestly, I don’t like it because when fucking 15 year old boys can’t play it, they do shit like stick tv remotes up their ass…fucking holy shit…


Also, it makes that same kid claim he is going to eat someones unborn son!





And, I don’t know how this kid was before his addiction to World of Warcraft…but it has obviously made him into an INSANELY unstable person. I mean…this kid is out of fucking control. I’m sure he hadn’t had his fix this day, and that is why he is so prone to completely lose his shit.


And, then of course…there is the horrible remorse that comes after you realize that you are a complete and total waste of carbon.



Yeah…that is how serial killers are made…



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July 3, 2009

lol oh my god did he jab his asshole with the remote?????

July 3, 2009

Hahahaha. Oh dear lord. Dane thank you for this. That was hillarious!

July 3, 2009

i bet this kids life is over now that this is all over youtube! what an evil little brother to put that up!! lol poor lunatic—seriously insane!!! what kind of mania would drive someone to shove a remote up their ass. that is sick LOL

July 3, 2009

wow. what a spoiled brat. He needs his dick dropped in the dirt. my bet is that he’s never had to lift a finger his entire life.

July 3, 2009

Holy crap.

July 3, 2009

I thought this was staged because I had seen the top one a couple weeks ago. But then seeing the one with the truck and the entire family maybe it’s not. If they are real, then that kid has way more issues than the obvious just being a spoiled brat. And they they are not from World of Warcraft, but that’s clearly not helping. But holy fvck! Something happened to that kid!

July 3, 2009

I mean Jesus fvcking Christ to the tenth level of holy shit!

I feel so bad for his family, having to live with that. It would be like being a hostage.

July 3, 2009

lol so i pulled that video up on youtube for my roommate and she was dieing ha. apparently her and her exbf used to break up constantly over that game bc he would do nothing for days but play world of warcraft ! i still cant get over the butt invasion and the subsequent face and noise!!!

July 3, 2009

dude…i had no idea there was a freakin collection of videos. i’ve seen the first one. hahahaha oh man… that kid really, really needs help. i am genuinely concerned.

July 3, 2009

Y’know… I’ve gotten pissed at my games before, but never stuff a remote to my ass. lmao, I think my worst gaming moment was throwing a controller out a window then it being ran over. It happens to people. But this is just lunacy. F*cking WoW players. haha Shoulda done a barrell roll. 😀

July 3, 2009

OMG. I thought for sure it had to be fake when I saw the first one, but now I’m not so sure. I’d like to beat the shit out of that kid.

July 3, 2009

Hahaha! My friends and I have been laughing at that first one for a while now. I can’t tell if it’s real or not, but it’s great.

July 5, 2009

LMFAO!!!! Hahahahaha

July 5, 2009

I believe this kid as many more issues than just “anger” or being “spoiled” as many have commented….he needs a child psychologist and a really hard beating as well. It’s def a combonation of being spoiled, anger issues, and other undiagnosed (or diagnosed) mental conditions or disorders. Not a typical child I hope.

July 5, 2009

He Needs Some Anger Management Classes Or Something Along Those Lines. I Saw The First Video Before, But I Didn’t Realize There Was More, LOL. Thanks For Sharing 🙂

July 5, 2009

There have always been mentally unstable young men, and they have always found something to obsess them. In 19th century Germany, young men committed suicide after reading “The Sorrows of Werther.” Now young men sodomize themselves with TV remotes after freaking out over The World of Warcraft. Only the technology is new.

July 5, 2009

RYN: I enjoy your ferocious anger at hypocrisy and corruption. It’s good to see a young person rage against the machine. Hypocrisy and corruption began the day the first homo sapiens ran into the second homo sapiens and tried to cheat him out of his spear. For most of human history some were aristocracy because of their bloodlines and nothing they did. Today some are aristocracy because they appear on a TV reality show. No more or less ridiculous.

July 6, 2009

Psst. Ask Locked about her bruised knees.

SUPERMAN. You boys are going to get me in trouble.

… Yeah. No.

My older brother is one that’s addicted to WOW. it’s quite effing pathetic. he told me saturday that it was the first day in over 2 wks that he’d been out of the house. He has a 7 y.o son that likes to play it as much as he does. It makes me effing SICK. 🙁

the saddest part about WOW is that not only do you have to pay out the ass for the game anyway but you have to pay monthly to play it!! that kid has issues. someone needs to hug him and his poor boo bear.

July 18, 2009

I had to come back and show this to my boyfriend (who is addicted to WoW) We had a good laugh. (Although, he didn’t get that I was quite serious. ;)) xo j