image survey
Age Now:
Band you are listening to right now: bright eyes
Crush: belt buckles
Dad’s name: Ralph
Easiest person to talk to: people who arent listening
Favorite ice cream:
Gummy worms or Gummy bears?:
Hometown: La Grange TX
Instruments: i dont know, i played the zither when i was a kid
Junior High: Sixteenth Street Middle School, which was razed and then they put up this junk. Couldnt even keep the name, slimy bastards
Longest car ride: Wasnt the longest, but the last 300 miles to Key West take FOREVER
Mom’s name: Laura
Nicknames: Katie
One wish: A spiffy sweater
Phobia: loneliness
Scent: Thallium
Unknown fact about me:
X-rays you’ve had: Lung
Zoo animal you like the most: elephant
1. Ever been given a ring? several, but the one i like the most was the one mary gave me last christmas. like this one, with the three diamonds
2. Last gift you received? Mary bought me some jeans from Nordstrom, but i was a picky and made her return them
5. Last sport played? I dont really play sports, but at work i herd cats.
6. Last three things you ate?
7. One favorite song: David Bowie "China Girl"
8. Where do you live? St. Petersburg, FL
9. High school you attend(ed): Gibbs High School, which was also razed. Sometimes, i think the school board conspired to make sure i wouldnt ever be able to relive memories.