Goodbye 2007




Bloody hell I had only just gotten used to writing 2007 and now I am going to have to start all over again with 2008. Damn.
Like everyone, I am going to start off the New Year with a couple of resolutions, one is to get in shape and lose a bit of weight (like anyone who has slightly over indulged over the Christmas season!) and the other is to tidy up my life a bit. I need to start off with my clothes- get rid of all the stuff I no longer wear or use. I am determined to sort myself out-not be a different person or anything, just a slightly more organised and efficient person!

I did manage to succeed with last years resolution, although it took me 8 months to actually do it. Stopping smoking is one of the hardest things I have ever done and continues to be if I am honest. Oddly it is one of the easiest things to do as well because all I had to do – was stop smoking! But when you are constantly reminded of it by friends who smoke or when you go in shops and you see them behind the counter and it would be sooooooo easy to just ask for a packet and a lighter… it suddenly becomes much harder than you ever imagined…but I think I have done the hard bit, I just need to learn to live with the fact the urge to smoke will probably always be there. But on the happy side I have done it it, so wahoooo! 

I had a very nice Christmas at my sisters house with my Ma. My Ma and I went to church on the 23rd of Dec to sing some carols and listen to a choir. I am not the most religious of people, but I feel it would be somewhat hypocritical to celebrate Christmas and not actually remember why I am doing it!!!  I had tried to get into church on the 22nd to light a candle for my Dad but it was closed (just missed it I think) and so went home with Ma and lit a Christingle candle she had got- strangely it was from the church my Ma and Dad were married in and she hadn’t been back since they were married…she had just gone back there with my Dads sister this year for the Christingle service…

We had a traditional dinner on Christmas day and everyone seemed pleased with what I had got them which was nice. I seemed to get an awful lot this year and I am extemely grateful, although I am not sure where I am going to put it all!!

Anyway, I need to go and get ready now because I intend to try and go to some sort of new year fireworks or something! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and will have an even better 2008! Much Love xx

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December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2007

Have a happy new year 🙂

January 4, 2008

i am way proud of you for quitting smoking…good luck on your 2008 resolutions…