Some quiz I found




1.Have you smoked a whole cigarette before?

2. Have you kissed somebody in the last week?

3. Who’s the last person that came to your house?
The postman probably.

4. Miss someone?
Yes- a few people actually for various reasons.

6. Is there someone you want to fight?
Not that I can think of!

8. What are you doing tomorrow?
Working and trying not to eat as much as I did today.

9. What are you doing the next day?
Working. Again.

10. Who is the last guy you had a meaningful conversation with?
My housemate.

11. Do you want to go back to high school?
Not on your life.

12. Have you ever watched the Britney Spears movie?
Do I look mental?…Don’t answer that.

13. What exactly did you do today?
Procrastinated a lot and had another massive Christmas dinner.

14. Who last rode in the car with you?
My housemate.

15. Are you tired?
Getting that way!

16. Who/what made you happy/smile today?

17. Whats on your mind constantly?
My weight.

18. What color socks do you have on?

19. What color is the shirt you are wearing?

20. Are you a sexual predator?
Nope, but thanks for considering me in that kinda of a question!.

21. Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls?
Nope, surely the idea of feminism is that a girl can be what she wants to be when she grows up. If she aspires to be Barbie, so be it!

22. Anything bothering you?
Yeah but nothing too important

23. Does your family own any boats?
not as far as I am aware!

24. Have you ever wanted to move far away?
All the time.

25. Last person to hug you?

26. What was the best vacation you’ve ever been on?

27. Have you ever been out of the US?
Currently not in the US in fact spend more time out of the US… because I am BRITISH.

28. The last text you received on your mobile, and who was it?
Sonething about them hoping I had fun- from graham.

29.Who was the last person to compliment you?
Um… can’t remember I’m afraid. The last I remember was a woman at work and she was complimenting my scarf really not me LOL

32. Do you wear contacts or glasses?

33. Who was the last person you said Thank you to?
My housemates Ma.

34. What was your last decision?
to stop eating cheese because my shirt is about to burst!

35. Do you have any piercings?
ears, lip & belly button.

36. Last person to disappoint you?
me- for being such a pig today!

37. The last place you went to?

38. Who/What made you angry today?
No one.

39. Do you sing in the shower?

If I know no one is in the house!

40. Has anyone ever sang or played music for you personally?
surprisingly yes they have!

41. Last thing you ate?
bread and cheese…oh dear.

42. Have you ever wanted someone you cant have?
Oh yes…

45. Do you find yourself loved?
I believe so…

46. What’s the closest thing thats blue next to you?
a paperweight.

48. Plans for the weekend?
Don’t really know actually, will be at my sisters by then for my Christmas holibobs.

49. Last time you went out of town?
This weekend just gone.

50. Last person you missed?

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December 18, 2007

Very interesting survey. Take care.