A milestone for Kenny

Last night while I was helping to dry his hair, Kenny asked me, "Mom, why do we have to shower so much?"

We’d already had this discussion SEVERAL times. You need to be clean to stay healthy, Nobody really likes a stinky person, it feels good to be clean, etc.

So I changed my tactic. I replied, "I’m going to tell you a secret. When you’re older and like a girl, trust me, she’ll like you more if you’re clean. I’m a girl, I know these things. We like boys who don’t stink." (Tangent 1: Yes I know he could like a boy someday. We’ve had discussions on how that’s OK. But for this discussion, it needed to be boy and girl because I’m a girl).

Kenny smiles and says, "I already have plans."

Trying not to be that mom I asked, "Oh? Do you like a girl?"

Kenny nods, "Yeah."

I ask, "What’s her name."

Shy now and not looking at me, Kenny says, "Annalise."

Me trying not to be overboard, "Oh. That’s a nice name. Is she older than you or younger?"

Kenny, looking at me, "She’s the same age as me."

Me just trying to keep my 8 year old talking to me, "Does she go to your school?"

Kenny replies, "I don’t know. What else do girls like?"

Me trying not to tear up now, "Well girls like boys who are clean. They want boys to be nice to them, but still be funny. They like it when you hold doors for them too. But don’t go overboard, just be nice and yourself. And whatever you do, don’t ever lie to her. Oh and I’ve told you this before, but you never ever hit a girl." (Tangent 2: Right now that’s what we tell him. However, when he’s older we’ll explain that if a girl attacks him, he’s allowed to defend himself.)

Kenny asks quietly, "Can I give her the phone number? That way we could talk on the phone."

Me smiling, "Sure, Honey. Go right ahead."

My sweet baby. He’s my darling. He likes a girl for the first time. 3rd grade. I had my first crush in 3rd grade. His name was Timothy Anderson. I could barely talk to him. And I still think fondly back on his memory.

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July 25, 2013

So cute. Really cute. And good lessons…

July 25, 2013

:^) That’s cute.

It is cute when they start liking girls.

RYN: Nice job on the progressions!