Breakfast Adventures

This morning:

Hardee’s Speaker Box: Goodmorning, would you like to try our _________ (garbled) this morning?
Me: No thanks. Can I get two jelly biscuits please?
Hardee’s Speaker Box: Did you want jelly with that?
Me: Yes…
H.S.B.: Grape or strawberry?
Me: Grape.
H.S.B.: How many?
Me: Um, two?
H.S.B: Does that complete your order?
Me: Yeah.
H.S.B.: Your total is $2.14. Please pull around to the window.
Drivethru Girl: Hi! It’s $2.14.
Me: (hands over the money)
D.T.G.: Did you want jelly with your biscuits?
Me: (trying not to let my head explode) – Two grape please.

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I just keep repeating myself at most fast food places. When Kiera is with me, she almost cries from laughing.