A facebook conversation

This is the facebook conversation I had with my older sister "H" on Saturday:

H: Thanks for inviting us to go swimming today like we talked about a few days ago. Thankfully I said nothing to tesia. And when you ask why I am upset try thinking back to the last time you asked me to do anything without me mentioning something first.
Keepsake: We haven’t gone swimming yet. I had to take Daisy to the groomers at 8, and she wasn’t done until 1:30. Then I had to take Kenny to get his new glasses because he broke his. Then I took a fucking nap because I was tired. We just got back from getting his glasses and having dinner.
I did invite you. I was waiting for you to either show up or call. Don’t get so pissy. We can still go swimming today if you want.
H: I mentioned swimming on Wednesday and we haven’t spoken since so tell me exactly how I’m supposed to know your plans? Just forget it.
Keepsake: This conversation isn’t going anywhere constructive. We’re just both going to get pissed. And I’m pretty sure you already are.
I don’t ask you to do things with me, because I never really do anything or plan to do anything. If I do something, it’s usually spur of the moment. I’m a homebody and don’t really do much unless I’m invited out. I’ve always been this way. Ask HolyCowItsMe.
As for not speaking since Wednesday, it’s just life. I’m busy. We’re all busy. And I have my kids, my house and other life things going on. I get home from work and all I want to do is decompress and spend time with my boys. I don’t talk on the phone unless somebody calls me. I call HolyCowItsMe on the way home sometimes, but not a lot.
H: You’re right I am pissed. Because now on top of everything else you’re making me feel like I’m intruding on your time with your family. So I’m sorry if that’s the case. Last time I checked I was your sister too. But I guess unless its HolyCowItsMe, J (Keepsake sidebar, J is my best friend from work) or your family you dont really want to put forth the effort. Nice to see where I rank. Don’t worry I won’t intrude on your life again. May be melodramatic but that’s exactly how you just made me feel.
Keepsake: That’s not how I intended to make you feel at all. It’s just my excuse for not picking up the phone to call. I”m sorry if you feel like I don’t care about you or Tesia. I do care. You are my family. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have supported you while you were in school or during tax seasons, I wouldn’t watch Tesia so you could try to have a social life, and I wouldn’t have cosigned the lease for your apartment. But I do care and those are the ways I show it.

I didn’t get a response back after my last message to her. Please tell me I’m right in thinking she’s totally out there. I know I dropped the f-bomb in my response to her, but I felt it was justified.

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July 30, 2012

You were nicer than I would have been. By the time I get a second of down time… I want to sleep or shower or read. Something I feel like I have snatched at time. And the thing is… your boys and your house are priority number one. Its supposed to be that way.

Heck you did nothing wrong. Calling is a two way thing she’s your sister so she should know you dont do phone calls and how you dont plan things kind of hard to do with young kids anyways. She should of called to see hey do you still want to get together so the kids can go swimming things happen and plans change cause life happens sometime. She needs to just get over it.

Having a very delicate relationship with my sister, I probably would have totally sucked it up more. However, I TOTALLY get the way that your life runs. I am SO busy, it is insane when I am working. I would just act like nothing happened and offer to get together with her at the spure of the moment. If she can come, she can come. Family is so complicated!

July 31, 2012

you are not wrong. She could have picked up a phone and said, “hey, are we still doing ___ today, because if not I’m going to make other plans.” Instead, she comes off sounding like a jealous girlfriend.

August 4, 2012

What a twit. She’s quite dramatic and really doesn’t get the fact that a person only has so much time! W is right, she is jealous.