
I really need to get back into the habit of writing in here more often.

Bullets until I have the idea of what to write:

  • Evan told me he had a secret the other day. I couldn’t tell ANYBODY not even Daddy. The secret was in his backpack. I didn’t think anything of it, so I didn’t worry. Well Nathan went through the backpacks that night and inside Evan’s was the outer box of a box of wooden strike matches. Cue up the horror! I asked Evan where he got them and he said his little girl friend R gave them to him for a Valentine. I praised him for telling me his secret and told him that he can always tell them to me. And then I gave him a Pringles Chip because he was such a good boy. I emailed his teacher about the box because it may mean that some other 4 year old may have the actual matches.
  • Today Evan’s teacher called me and said she wanted to talk some more about Evan. She’s worried that he said it was a secret. Most 4 year olds don’t understand secrets. I’ve certainly never told him about secrets. She’s also worried because in the past couple of months he’s been having serious meltdowns during class. It’s not when they’re transitioning from one project to the next. It happens mid-project. He just loses it. He starts to cry. And sometimes he cries so hard he can barely breath. This is totally new for Evan. He’s usually a pretty laid back kid. So we’ve made the decision to have him speak with the Social Worker. I’m worried about my little man. And, no, there haven’t been any changes at home, nor do Nathan and I ever really argue.
  • Daisy is finally getting the hang of house training – thank the gods. She’s been pretty consistent with going outside. I’m now working on her sitting when I come down the stairs and not spazzing out completely and jumping all over everybody and everything.
  • Pepper is doing really well since she had her muzzle tumor removed. Thank goodness it was the kind of tumor that once removed, it’s cured. I don’t know what I’d do without my Pepper girl.
  • I’ve been writing more in my science fiction book. I’m just stuck. I hate writer’s block.
  • Kenny is doing good. He’s still quite a smartass though. I’m working on that with him. We also finally found something he’s not immediately good at – measuring crooked lines ////// with a ruler to get the total length. Nathan has been practicing with him. Sometimes, he gets it wrong on his homework because the instructions are vague, but other times he’s just wrong. So we’ve been teaching him to slowly read the instructions to completely understand them and then measuring and adding like the instructions say.
  • Nathan and I are doing good too. Nothing really to report on that front. We love each other and are happy most of the time.
  • I bought round trip tickets for Evan and Me to visit my twin sister this summer in Virginia. WOOHOO!
  • Nathan said he’s going to buy me a new laptop.
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Poor little Evan. Secrets can be so rough on a guy. 🙁

Your little Evan could be stressed by the project. Some children want perfection. When they cannot reach it, they melt down. I think it has nothing to do with some ‘secret’. A new lap top will be great.

ryn: Nope, not yet! They started Pitocin about 3; so far, nuttin’. She’s probably going to be hooked up to it through the night, poor little thing.