Look – an entry

 I don’t know why I haven’t been writing in here.It’s not like I don’t have anything going on. I guess when it comes time for me to write I just struggle to make myself sit down and do it. 

So now I will bullet.

  • Kenny told me that when he grows up, he just wants to be a dad. He is such a darling.
  • Evan is still my sweetheart.
  • Evan no longer cries whe  he gets a haircut’ but o ly if we go to the salon. If I do it, there are tears.
  • We had a scare with Pepper. She had an ugly growth on her muzzle. The vet thought it could be a Mast Cell Tumor or a histioma. An MCT would have been fatal within the year because of size and location. But after we had it removed and sent for pathology it thankfuuly was just a histioma. The $600 surgery was so worth it. Now we have a lot more time together. 10 isn’t too old for a cocker.
  • Nathan and I are doing well too. I do love my husband.
  • Kenny and Evan wanted me to count how much money they had in their piggy banks. Both were SHOCKED at the amount. We’ve always put our spare change in them. I forsee a trip to the bank soon to open accounts. It’s really not a lot of money, but it shouldn’t be just sitting in the house.
  • My job has been really busy the past few weeks. My boss wants us to do overtime, but I just can’t. It’s not good for my health or family. He’s got this way of talking about the OT that is really a passive aggressive guilt trip and it drives me crazy. I’d call him out on it, but it’s not worth the argument or time. He’s OK with me not doing overtime as long as I sat caught up.
  • For the first time since he became a part of our family (at 8 weeks old) D’Artagnan got a clean bill of health from the vet’s office. It only took 10 years. He’s had a myriad of problems mostly do to really bad teeth. Last year we had most of his teeth pulled ( he still has a few tiny front teeth, and one top and o e bottom fang). And this year because he has no teeth to get infected or cause other problems, he stayed healthy. And he even gained a little weight now that eating doesn’t hurt anymore.
  • My sister told me a funny saying the other day. It’s "Writer’s block: When your imaginary friends stop speaking to you."  And boy isn’t that the truth…
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February 9, 2012

your sister’s saying – that is SO true. I can’t believe your boys are old enough for children accounts! wow!