Being nice does pay off

 My year end bonus was SO nice this year.  I ordered myself a Xoom tablet PC. It wasn’t  supposed to be delivered until Tuesday, but the UPS tracking page said it had arrived in the distrobution center in the next town over.  I called and asked if I could pick it up. The lady on the phone was super nice. She was very helpful, but unable to say I could pick it up.I told her not to worry about it. That it wasn’t a Christmas present, just a toy for me. I told her to have a Merry Christmas. Then  2 hours later at 10am, the doorbell rings and there is my Xoom!

I know it was the nice lady on the phone who put it on a delivery truck for me. 

It had to be because I was nice to her too. 

She was so busy, but took the time to do something nice. I wish I had gotten her name.

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Enjoy your tablet! I’m sure it will be great.

December 30, 2011

Nice! :^) Happy New Year!

December 31, 2011

How sweet is tha? That’s so nice.ANd we both know she could have easily just not done a thing. Probably because you were nice to her, and I bet most people aren’t,she thought she’d make your day and surprise you!