
I am 33 years old. I haven’t seen my father since right before my third birthday. And this week, thanks to $3, and Facebook I’ve found him and my two half brothers. I contacted all three of them and one of the half-brothers has responded. We’re both tentatively feeling that he is my half-brother. He was not told about my existence, which is not surprising considering his dad was married to his mom when I was conceived. I know there was a lot of drama around my birth and life when I was little. But, now that I’m an adult and don’t really need anybody’s permission I searched for them. After messaging back and forth on Facebook, I’ve given him my email address. The man is in shock. I’m hoping the little information that I do have will be enough to positively identify him as my half-brother. He may have to contact his father to ask him some very tough questions though.

I told him I was sorry for any pain, drama and problems that I may have caused. It truly wasn’t my intent. I have a family. I know who I am. I’ve just always been curious as to where that part of me comes from. I don’t need a father anymore. I’m fully grown. I’m stable in my life.

I’m scared though. There’s still pain involved. That little girl inside of me who desperately wanted a father is crying out. She’s scared to hope that any kind of relationship with that part of my family is possible. The adult in me understands that there may never be a real relationship. This brief contact may be all I’m ever allowed.

I hope I didn’t ruin another family. If the brothers were never told about me, it was for a reason. Maybe not the right reason, but a reason none the less. I don’t want to hurt anybody. But I feel I have a right to contact my father. And I also feel my brothers have a right to know I exist. It is up to them to decide what to do with that information.

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No matter your age, I think a woman always needs her daddy. I’m sorry that you haven’t seen him in 30 years. It’s amazing that you found him after all this time. I hope he responds to you.

November 19, 2011

I have 3 half siblings that I know about. I know 2 of their names. I know where they live. I am fairly certain that only one of them knows about us 3. But it would simply kill my mom and dad to seek them out. The eldest of them is the reason she left the dad and moved home. I know this sounds awful, but I’ll wait until she passes to seek them out. My curiosity is not worth hurting her.

November 19, 2011

But I totally applaud you doing what you are doing. I am looking forward to hearing all about the reunions!

November 19, 2011

that’s very brave of you. I have a half sister from my dad, and a half brother from my mom. I would like to search for them, but I know nothing at all on how to search for them. I applaud you! 🙂

November 20, 2011

This must have been difficult and painful, and took a lot of courage. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Hugs!

It is a very odd situation. My father had to tell his youngest brother (60 years old) that they didn’t have the same father. He told my dad that his whole life made sense once he knew. Sometimes truth is a good thing.